使用Material-UI在TableCell中嵌入菜单适用于以下场景: 数据展示:当需要在表格中展示一些操作选项,例如编辑、删除、查看详情等,可以使用嵌入菜单来提供这些选项。 数据操作:当需要对表格中的数据进行操作,例如批量删除、导出等,可以使用嵌入菜单来提供这些操作选项。
接下来,使用Material-UI的Table组件来创建表格,并为其添加样式。在Table组件上添加stickyHeader属性可以使表头固定在顶部,而不会随着内容滚动而消失。 代码语言:txt 复制 import { Table, TableHead, TableRow, TableCell, TableBody } from '@material-ui/core'; ... <div cl...
API reference docs for the React Table component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module.
constTABLE_DATA=[ { name:'Frozen yogurt', calories:'159', fat:'6.0', carbs:'24', ... },{ name:'Ice cream sandwich', calories:'159', fat:'6.0', carbs:'24', ... }, ... ]; classMyComponentextendsComponent{ ... handleFilterValueChange=(value)=>{ ...
Tabs Import importTabfrom'@mui/material/Tab';// orimport{Tab}from'@mui/material'; Learn about the difference byreading this guide on minimizing bundle size. Props View:table Props of theButtonBasecomponent are also available. NameTypeDefaultDescription ...
@material-ui/core#TableRow TypeScript Examples The following examples show how to use @material-ui/core#TableRow. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may ...
<TableCell />: A cell in a table. Can be used in<TableRow />. Renders as a<th>in<TableHead />and<td>in<TableBody />by default. <TableFooter />: An optional container for the footer row(s) of the table. Renders as a<tfoot>by default. ...
yarn add material-table @material-ui/core 2.Add material icons There are two ways to use icons in material-table either import the material icons font via html OR import material icons and use the material-tableiconsprop. HTML <linkrel="stylesheet"href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?fam...
import MUIDataTable from "mui-datatables"; const columns = [ { name: "name", label: "Name", options: { filter: true, sort: true, } }, { name: "company", label: "Company", options: { filter: true, sort: false, } }, { name: "city", label: "City", options: { filter: ...
API reference docs for the React TableBody component. Learn about the props, CSS, and other APIs of this exported module.