它在默认的UIKeyboard上运行得很好,但是如果我尝试使用UIKeyboardTypeNamePhonePad,那么自动大写就不起作用了。这是我的代码, - (void)viewDidLoad { //.. //get keyboard and textfield ready codeTextField = [[UITextField alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(20.0, 15.0, 300.0, 45.0)]; codeTextF...
As the user types into theTextField, it would be really nice to have a feedback mechanism with anendAdornment. Something likenum chars/max charsshould be sufficient as provided by other UI frameworks. Only when the user hasn't provided anendAdornmentor has providedmaxLengthproperty, this counte...
oliviertassinariaddedsupport: questionCommunity support but can be turned into an improvementcomponent: text fieldThis is the name of the generic UI component, not the React module!labelsApr 14, 2018 kenecaswellcommentedSep 11, 2018• edited by oliviertassinari ...
import TreeViewfrom'@material-ui/lab/TreeView'; import TreeItemfrom'@material-ui/lab/TreeItem'; import Typographyfrom'@material-ui/core/Typography'; import ArrowDropDownIconfrom'@material-ui/icons/ArrowDropDown'; import ArrowRightIconfrom'@material-ui/icons/ArrowRight'; import TextFieldfrom'@mat...
首先,您需要在网页中导入Material UI的TextField组件和样式文件: import TextField from '@material-ui/core/TextField'; import '@material-ui/core/TextField/TextField.css'; 然后,您可以使用自定义的CSS样式来覆盖TextFields的外观。例如,您可以设置TextField的背景颜色为红色,并将其边框颜色设置为绿色: const...
`@material-ui/core@v4.1.0` 774 775 - [buttongroup] new component (#15744) @mbrookes 776 - [textfield] improve dense height to better match the specification (#16087) @ritorna 777 - [popper] add popperref prop (#16069) @oliviertassinari 778 - [theme] add fontweightbold to theme....
renderInput={(params) => <TextField {...params} label="Movie" />} /> 选项结构 默认情况下,该组件接受以下选项结构: interface AutocompleteOption { label: string; } // or type AutocompleteOption = string; 例如: const options = [
'editing' : undefined return ( <ListItem> <ListItemIcon>{icon}</ListItemIcon> <ListItemText primary={{primary}} secondary={secondary} /> {editAction} {deleteAction} {status} </ListItem> ) }Example #14Source File: Table.stories.tsx From kodiak-ui with MIT License 5 votes function Actions...
@material-ui/core#Card @material-ui/core#Typography @material-ui/core#TextField @material-ui/core#Box @material-ui/core#IconButton @material-ui/core#Divider @material-ui/core#useTheme @material-ui/core#Theme @material-ui/core#Paper @material-ui/core#useMediaQuery @material-ui...