Optical Size (opsz) from 20 to 48 px. The default is 24. Weight from 100 (Thin) to 700 (Bold). Regular is 400. Grade from -50 to 200. The default is 0 (zero). -50 is suggested for reversed contrast (e.g. white icons on black background) ...
UI组件会随着变化换到更合适位置。 A bottom sheet on a small screen may reposition itself as a menu.(小屏幕上的底部弹窗选项会随被重新定位到菜单选项。) A floating action button (FAB) may move to a more visible location relative to other UI elements.(悬浮按钮会移动到相对于其它UI元素更显眼的...
Material UI is an open-source React component library that implements Google's Material Design. It's comprehensive and can be used in production out of the box.
3d_rotation暴露为@material-ui/icons/ThreeDRotation 4k暴露为@material-ui/icons/FourK 360暴露为@material-ui/icons/ThreeSixty 导入 假如你的环境不支持 tree-shaking,推荐方式是用下面的方法导入图标: importAccessAlarmIconfrom'@material-ui/icons/AccessAlarm';importThreeDRotationfrom'@material-ui/icons/Three...
Material UIv6.3.0 Getting started Components All components Inputs Autocomplete Button Button Group Checkbox Floating Action Button Radio Group Rating Select Slider Switch Text Field Transfer List Toggle Button Data display Avatar Badge Chip Divider Icons Material Icons List Table Tooltip Typography Feedba...
Material Icons Import importIconfrom'@mui/material/Icon';// orimport{Icon}from'@mui/material'; Learn about the difference byreading this guide on minimizing bundle size. Props View:table Props of the native component are also available.
Material UIv6.3.0 Getting started Components All components Inputs Autocomplete Button Button Group Checkbox Floating Action Button Radio Group Rating Select Slider Switch Text Field Transfer List Toggle Button Data display Avatar Badge Chip Divider Icons Material Icons List Table Tooltip Typography Feedba...
`@material-ui/core@v4.0.0-alpha.6` 664 665 ### breaking changes 666 667 - [typography] better defaults (#15100) @oliviertassinari 668 669 - change the default variant from `body2` to `body1`. 670 a font size of 16px is a better default than 14px. 671 bootstrap, material.io ...
`@material-ui/core@v3.0.2` 1050 1051 - [tab] ability change font size of tab (#12706) @adeelibr 1052 - [typescript] set default for withstyles' options generic (#12698) @nmchaves 1053 - [dialog] remove dialog margin when fullscreen=true and scroll=body (#12718) @akaxiaok 1054 -...
Material Design Icons for Material-UI This module providesMaterial-UI<SvgIcon />components for allMaterial Design Icons. This is pretty handy if you use React and Material-UI to build a web app and run out of icons. While this module contains wrappers for all icons, alias names are not in...