[docs][base-ui] Create hooks contribution guide (#38679) @michaldudak [docs][base-ui] Structure and style revisions for Component docs (#38826) @samuelsycamore [docs][base-ui] Add Number Input to the all components page (#38839) @danilo-leal [docs][base-ui] Mark Popup...
较新的 MUI 版本: <Button variant="raised" component="span" className={classes.button}> Upload </Button> 原文由 galki 发布,翻译遵循 CC BY-SA 4.0 许可协议 有用 回复 查看全部 2 个回答 推荐问题 在Electron中,我们想要创建特定的BrowserWindow,想要使用react组件作为BrowserWindow的内容,请问如何实...
<Buttoncomponent={Link}disabled>disabled</Button> This has the advantage of supporting any element, for instance, a linkelement. Use theBase UI Buttonfor complete ownership of the component's design, with no Material UI or Joy UI styles to override. This unstyled version of the component is ...
Material-UI-dropzone is aReactcomponent usingMaterial-UIand is based on the excellentreact-dropzonelibrary. This components provide either a file-upload dropzone or a file-upload dropzone inside of a dialog. The file-upload dropzone features some snazzy "File Allowed/Not Allowed" effects, previews ...
[docs][joy-ui] Polish the Stack page (#38623) @danilo-leal [docs][material-ui] Adjust simple Slide demo (#38646) @rajgop1 Core [core] Re-add nx and setup build caching (#38752) @brijeshb42 [core] Remove dead code seoTitle @oliviertassinari ...
react-material-ui-carousel A Generic, extendible Carousel UI component for React using Material UI react material material ui carousel gallery learus •3.4.2•3 years ago•79dependents•MITpublished version3.4.2,3 years ago79dependentslicensed under $MIT ...
User Interface (UI) Design Drag & Drop Zone: A clearly visible area, usually outlined (dashed style), with a prompt like "Drag & Drop files here" or "Drop your files here." (file validation or showing file content is not part of functionalities) ...
<Buttoncomponent={Link}disabled>disabled</Button> This has the advantage of supporting any element, for instance, a linkelement. Use theBase UI Buttonfor complete ownership of the component's design, with no Material UI or Joy UI styles to override. This unstyled version of the component is ...
Declarative Scaffold component Note Link to the source code The <Scaffold2 /> implements the basic Material Design visual layout structure by using config instead of manual ui elements composition. const options: IScaffold2Group[] = [ { id: 'build', label: 'Build', children: [ { id: 'aut...
material-ui-icons 719 720 ### component fixes / enhancements 721 722 - [typscript] adjust icon typings to change introduces in #8366 (#8529) @sebald 723 724 ## 1.0.0-beta.13 725 ### *oct 1, 2017* 726 727 big thanks to the 18 contributors who made this release possible. 728 729...