This is standard sap programme is there . you can view it by select the status in the material master view. If u want to change the description u need the access key will get from sap Reg s.anbu Former Member 2008 Apr 15 0 Kudos hi It is to change the FIELD NAME as its ...
A builder that constructs instances of entity type MrpMaterial. Static customField customField(fieldName: string): CustomField<MrpMaterial> Defined in packages/vdm-op/material-planning-data-service/MrpMaterial.ts:511 Returns a selectable object that allows the selection of ...
Const DEPENDENT_REQUIREMENTS_TYPE_NAME DEPENDENT_REQUIREMENTS_TYPE_NAME: StringField<MrpMaterial> = ... Defined in packages/vdm/material-planning-data-service/MrpMaterial.ts:861 Static representation of the dependentRequirementsTypeName property for query construction. Use to refere...
SAP R/3 Material Master Record In the R/3 Logistic Module, master data is very important can affect many different field. 1. Industry Sector, have control functions, for example it's a factor which can determine the screen sequence and field selection. 2.Material Type. when we try to cre...
Add your fields to the Append-structure - In our example we will add field for storing a process code called ZZ_PROCCODE of type ZZ_DTEL_PROCCODE built on domain ZZ_DOM_PROCCODE. Activate the append structure -> this will trigger the MARC table (and all depending tables/structures) adju...
第一步安装GitHub: GitHub安装命令为:sudo apt-get install git GitHub查看版本命令:git version 第二步创建用户及邮箱: git config --global “名字” git config --global " 邮箱" 这里主要让人知道上传的代码是谁写的 第
You can default the Industry sector and Material type values as... press F1 in the Industry Sector field, and note down the field name. now go to SU3 Transaction, There in the Default fields, enter this field name and give the industry sector by default you want (for Eg., M...) ...
SAP Managed Tags: PLM Project System (PS) PLM Project System (PS) Software Product Function View products (1) Hi all, How exactly can one make the material field within the material component of CJ20N mandatory? I'm looking for some form of configuration/how-to-steps on how this field...
Related SAP Notes/KBAs Example Creation Create a configurable material (MM01): xx_conf_mat Execute transaction MM01 Enter a name for the material Select industry sector: M (mechanical engineering) Select material type: e.g. HALB (Semifinished Products) ...
Let us look some details about purchasing info record in SAP MM. This SAP Material stock tutorial contains the reference data about its menu path, tcodes,