Flutter makes it easy and fast to build beautiful apps for mobile and beyond - Add support for Material Symbols Icons to the Flutter material library · flutter/flutter@f89546c
官方地址:https://material.io/resources/icons/?icon=accessibility_new&style=baseline 更新时间:2024-12-18 20:26
A simple CLI tool that brings Google's Material Symbols to your Flutter projects 18 January 2023 Material Design Expense manager for Android with Material Design Expense manager for Android with Material Design 08 January 2023 Text Preview a TextStyle based on Material Design's Typography ...
Other Material Design packages The following packages' source code exists in other repositories. PackagePubIssuesPull requests animations flutter_adaptive_scaffold material_color_utilities material_symbols_icons About A collection of useful Material Design packages pub.dev/publishers/material.io Topics...
Flutter Material Icons图标 Flutter Material Icons图标
Material Icons and Symbols offer downloads for Android and iOS to install as project assets, with code snippets for implementation. Material Design includes instructions for Flutter (a Google-developed programming language) and Angular. React instructions are available in MUI’s documentation....
Material Design Icons Instant easy access to the entire Material Design Icons library 9.5k 1.2m Material Symbols Meet Material Symbols, Google Fonts' newest variable icon font 10.9k 533k Google Material Design Icons by Iconduck Google Material Design Icons is an open source library of 7,687...