material studio the job is failed 我很遗憾地报告,在运行Material Studio时出现了一个错误。该错误导致了我的工作失败,我需要对此进行详细记录以便进一步调查和解决。 具体来说,错误信息为“XXX”,这里没有提供足够的细节来直接诊断问题,但我将尝试描述一些可能的相关情况。首先,我在启动MaterialStudio时遇到了一个...
Material Studio5.5做模拟时总是提示:the job has failed 求解
Thermal in the input file You may also need to change spin or use symmetry Resubmit DMol3 Message: DMol3 job failed Error: DMol3 exiting 请教高手这是什么原因啊? 答:SCF not converging. Choose Use Smearing on DMol3 SCF panel or set Occupation??Thermal in the input file 无法收敛,加大计算步数...
楼主问题解决了吗 发自小木虫Android客户端
msilicense.dat (2)没有root帐号,不能mountiso文件 可以刻录到光盘上安装 (3)安装用户 不要用超户安装,要有普通用户 (4)shell 每次进入bash时显示 Theshellbashisnotsupported 计算的时候,也出现这个提示, /home/msi/MaterialStudio/CASTEP/bin/castepexe_mpi.exe:errorwhile
VWN-BP: The VWN-BP functional is recommended for COSMO and COSMO-RS studies. Materials-Studio 论坛问答全集(精选众多论坛讨论贴) 1、问:用MS构造晶体时要先确立空间群,可是那些空间群的代码是啥意思啊,看不懂,我想做的是聚乙烯醇的晶体,嘿嘿,也不知道去哪 可以查到它的空间群 答:A、要做晶体,首先要...
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Thermal in the input file You may also need to change spin or use symmetry Resubmit DMol3 Message: DMol3 job failed Error: DMol3 exiting 请教高手这是什么原因啊? 答:SCF not converging. Choose Use Smearing on DMol3 SCF panel or set Occupation??Thermal in the input file 无法收敛,加大计算步数...
Material Studio5.5做模拟时总是提示:the job has failed 求解
Material Studio5.5做模拟时总是提示:the job has failed 求解