Shah, D. Dattatraya, Relationships between engineering characteristics and material properties of high strength-high performance concrete, Role of Concrete In Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the International Symposium dedicated to Professor Surendra Shah, Northwestern University, USA...
Application of surface modifying macromolecules in polyethersulfone membranes: Influence on PES surface chemistry and physical properties of PES/SMMs films and data from differential scanning calorimetry experiments showed that the SMMs were either immiscible or only partially miscible with PES... VA Pham,...
Geomechanics abstracts Properties of rocks and soilsThe key material properties in geotechnical engineering need to be measured instead of being specified : J. Graham, in: Predictive soil mechanics. Proc. of the Wroth memorial symposium, Oxford, 1992, ed G.T. Houlsby & A.N. Schofield, (Thomas...
Engineering Material Properties Author links open overlay panelShow more Add to Mendeley Share Cite rights and contentAccess through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your ...
Materials whose properties are different dependent upon the directionality, location considered on the material, or where and how force is applied to the material. Opposite of isotropic materials. Anisotropy Materials whose properties are the same no matter the orientation of the object and how it is...
Creating a model for percolation of grain boundaries in polycrystalline materials Grain boundary engineering allows for the optimization of certain material properties by altering the statistical presence of beneficial grains and grain ... AJ Henrie,BL Adams,RJ Larsen - 《Materials Science Forum》 被引...
Fig. 3: Material property data extracted from abstracts for material systems that contain a polymer from the polymer classes of polyurethane, polyimide, polyamide, polyester, and polysiloxane in each corresponding column. These are the most commonly reported polymer classes and the properties reported ...
1 Properties of metals vary widely as a result of variations in composition, heat treatment, and mechanical working. 2 For ductile metals the compression strength is generally assumed to be equal to the tension strength. 3 Offset of 0.2 percent 4 Timber properties are for loading parallel to th...
In recent years, the synthesis and studies of a range of MIPs has allowed researchers to build an initial understanding of how incorporating mechanical bonds within a polymer structure impacts its material properties. This Review focuses on the understanding of these structure–property relationships ...
In subject area: Engineering About this pageSet alert Discover other topics On this page Chapters and Articles Related Terms Recommended Publications Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Bone material properties and fracture analysis: Needle insertion ...