For other final uses (eg, ballast and subballast) will be discussed in each section. It should be noted that special requirements are normally provided in construction project specifications that govern the quality control of the construction and the utilization. Base and subbase of high...
While I will not go into Crooke’s discussion of the visible species in this essay, I will say that his description also reflects how the eye received or “actualized” mimetic quasi-material, or, as I call them, paramaterial objects that recreated the visible world within the orb of the ...
Danish incinerator solid waste incinerator bottom ash can be used as unbound subbase material. Tender documents are given in the report, comprising material specifications and work specifications. Included are guidance on technical contents of specifications and the uses in practice. The guidance also ...
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam is being widely used in the highway and bridge engineering in recent years due to its excellent physical and mechanical properties. The environmental friendliness of EPS foam is discussed from resource and energy consumption, environmental pollution and occupational health...
voxels were assigned number IDs that refer to the slip bands they belong to, and a readily observable in the ‘SlipBands’ entry in the .dream3d file of the merged dataset. Individual slip bands can be viewed in Paraview as voxelized objects, or as ‘slice’ objects, as shown in Fig....
Paravani-2, a Late Upper Palaeolithic rock-shelter site in the Javakheti highland, Southern Caucasus (Georgia) 2024, Archaeological Research in Asia Citation Excerpt : ca. 21.5–14.7 ka cal BP: this “Late PleniGlacial” phase, which extends until the warming of the Bølling-Allerød, is...
t0Si0o0nwn SKhsei3ffcoo23hrr, Cu2TSonXcl3a(rXif y=t Sh,eSpe)h1y3.sical mechanism for the increase of m* with x in these samples, first principles calcula- tions were performed and the DOS effective mass is calculated by fitting the calculated total DOS using para- bolic...
Standard- Enzymansatz: 200mMTriiithanolaminhydrochlorid,pH 8,0; CoASH 0,5 raM; GSH 10 mM; MgCl~ 10 mM; Kalium-ATP 5raM; alkalifreies Hydroxylamin 400mM; Kalinmacetat 10 mM (2,4.10 e dpm 1-1aC-aeetat); Enzympr~paration. Die Reaktion wird ausgeffihrt bei 25~C fiber 20 min ...
Lectotype and paralectotype are similar in size, with the latter being slightly larger, measuring 4.70 mm and 5.15 mm in length, 3.02 mm and 3.27 mm in height, and 1.9 and 2.1 mm in width, respectively. The hinge line measures 2.48 mm and 2.67 mm, respectively, equivalent to 52% of ca...
(Figure 2). The uppermost surface of the marine deposit’s soils had a massive structure that was subangular and blocky downward. The structure was granular in the topsoil horizons of alluvial deposits, while it was subangular in the topsoil of lacustrine deposits and changed to massive ...