npm install @material-ui/icons 在React组件中引入需要使用的图标,如下所示: 对于Font Awesome: import{FontAwesomeIcon}from'@fortawesome/react-fontawesome'import{ faCoffee }from'@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons'constMyComponent= () => (This is a coffee cup icon:<FontAwesomeIconicon={faCoffee}/...
npm install react-google-material-icons Use import MaterialIcon from 'react-google-material-icons' <MaterialIcon icon="account_box" size={36}/> icon: Name of the Google Material icon Note that size is an optional parameter which is use to set the font size of the icon. Default size is ...
npm install material-icons@latest Note:If you are upgrading from 0.x to 1.x see the1.0.0 release notes. Usage Import in JS (example:src/index.jsin Create React App,src/main.jsin Vue CLI): import'material-icons/iconfont/material-icons.css'; ...
推荐使用SVG Material icons。// 安装@material-ui/iconsnpm install -S @material-ui/iconsimport React from 'react';import DeleteIcon from '@material-ui/icons/Delete';界面布局Material-UI的布局设计基础Material-UI布局,使用统一的组件和间距,实现了多平台、多环境和屏幕尺寸的统一性。1、使用 Grid / Hid...
npm install--savematerial-ui-icons 2.使用 Material-UI组件相互独立,自我支持。他们会注入或只注入需要显示的样式,不依赖像normalize.css这样的全局样式。 用户可以使用文档中的任意组件。 请参考每个组件的演示页面,了解如何导入。 以下是一个方便快速入手的例子: ...
1npm i -S react-native-elements2npm i -S react-native-vector-icons@4 这里需要注意三点: 1 )react-native-vector-icons虽然被react-native-elements所依赖,但它并不会自动安装,需要手动安装 2 )截止目前,elements所依赖的vector-icons的版本必须是4.x, 之前安装了vector-icons@6.x导致报以上错误,很久才...
我们主要来安装react react-dom babel等npm包,设置webpack.config.js,打包输出bundle.js。 安装Webpack 1.创建项目文件夹 mkdir simple-login 新建simple-login 文件夹,在此文件夹内进行webpack本地安装。 2.npm初始化 $ npm init -y ...
npm install material-icons@latest Note:If you are upgrading from 0.x to 1.x see the1.0.0 release notes. Usage Import in JS (example:src/index.jsin Create React App,src/main.jsin Vue CLI): import'material-icons/iconfont/material-icons.css'; ...
npm start This will bootstrap a new React application and run the default app onhttp://localhost:3000/in your default browser thanks to theCreate React Apptool. Step 2: Install Material UI (MUI) package Before we add these icons, we need the core MUI package because all these icons use...
npminstall@mui/icons-material These components use the Material UISvgIconcomponent to render the SVG path for each icon, and so have a peer-dependency on@mui/material. If you aren't already using Material UI in your project, you can add it following theinstallation guide. ...