定义物料组(Material Group) 一.说明 物料组(Material Group)在SAP中是物料主数据的一个关键字段,属于无组织机构级别(参见《物料主数据_基本视图》)。它在采购信息记录、采购订单等中使用。在创建采购订单时,当输入物料编号,物料组就自动被带出;当无物料号而是输入文本时(如资产、订单采购等),则需要手工设定物料组...
定义物料组(Material Group) 一.说明 物料组(Material Group)在SAP中是物料主数据的一个关键字段,属于无组织机构级别(参见《物料主数据_基本视图》)。它在采购信息记录、采购订单等中使用。在创建采购订单时,当输入物料编号,物料组就自动被带出;当无物料号而是输入文本时(如资产、订单采购等),则需要手工设定物料组...
物料组(Material Group)在SAP中是物料主数据的一个关键字段,属于无组织机构级别(参见《物料主数据_基本视图》)。它在采购信息记录、采购订单等中使用。在创建采购订单时,当输入物料编号,物料组就自动被带出;当无物料号而是输入文本时(如资产、订单采购等),则需要手工设定物料组。 物料组和产品组都是对物料进行分类...
然后SAP里可以为这些物料组指派valuation class,后续的科目确定就水到渠成了! 如下配置路径可以实现为物料组分配valuation class: (TCode:OMQW) 如下图示,可以为用于无料号的服务或者物料所属的物料组分配valuation class, 这些valuation class出现在GBB这个transactionevent key的配置里,如下图 : 也就是说SAP里的物料...
Code of conduct Apache-2.0 license Security Material Symbols / Material Icons These are two different official icon sets from Google, using the same underlying designs. Material Symbols is the current set, introduced in April 2022, built on variable font technology. Material Icons is the classic ...
Material UI is an open-source React component library that implements Google's Material Design. It's comprehensive and can be used in production out of the box.
CodeAndroidiOS <material:MaterialCheckboxGroup x:Name="checkBoxGroup" Choices="{Binding Jobs}" /> Properties Choices - The list of string the user will choose from. FontFamily - The font family of the text of each checkboxes. The default is the value of MaterialFontConfiguration.Body1. Font...
[togglebuttongroup] add size prop (#15644) @isaacblinder 84 85 ### `@material-ui/icons@v4.0.0-rc.0` 86 87 - [icons] forward ref (#15683) @eps1lon 88 89 ### `@material-ui/lab@v4.0.0-alpha.12` 90 91 - [speeddial] convert to function component (#15737) @jeongsd 92 93 ...
@t49tran 1814 - [grid] improve the dev warnings (#11765) @oliviertassinari 1815 - [circularprogress] fix centering (#11781) @adeelibr 1816 - [textfield] bind the focus/blur explicitly (#11789) @oliviertassinari 1817 - [radiogroup] fix onchange chaining (#11793) @oliviertassinari 1818 ...
Thermal rearrangement process has been extended into thermal conversion from hydroxyl group-containing polyamide precursors (HPAs) to TR polymers with a PBO structure [135,136]. One of the other strategies in the TR process is an introduction of thermally labile molecules on a cross-linkable polyim...