Technology Uses in EducationA nitrogen flow model of a microplankton community is used to investigate the effect of sedimentation out of the mixed layer. The simulation shows a series of peaks of phytoplankton, bacteria, zooflagellates, larger protozoa and micro-and meso-zooplankton over a 13-...
ENERGY AND MATERIAL FLOW THROUGH THE URBAN ECOSYSTEM - Annual Review of Energy and the Environment, 25(1):685 This paper reviews the available data and models on energy and material flows through the world's 25 largest cities. Throughput is categorized as stored, t... EH Decker,S Elliott,...
2China Wuhuan Chemistry Engineering Company,Wuhan 430079,Hubei,China)Abstract:The exchange of materiaI,energy and information occurs in any system(ecosystem,naturaI system,process system,sociaI system,market system)of the worId,generating materiaI fIow,energy fIow and informationfIow both in time ...
The complexities of the present energy-climate era coupled with the ambitious targets of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) demand approaches to resource management that transcend conventional strategies. Material Flow Management (MFM) can be
In this literature review we evaluate the importance of cross-ecosystem material flows within the framework of ecological stoichiometry. We explore how movement in space and time impacts the stoichiometry of material flow, as these transformations are essential to consider when assessing the ability of...
ALTHOUGH ecosystem behaviour is ultimately determined by the combination of energy flow through the system and material cycling within it, remarkably little effort has been directed towards elucidating the effects of material cycling on ecosystem stability, noteworthy exceptions being the works of Ulanowicz...
cycle.Theflowofenergybegantogreenplantswithfixedsolar, foodchain(net)forthemobilechannel,makeallkindsof consumersintheecosystemandthedecompositioncanbethe survivaloftheenergy,atthesametime,theproducerinthe environmentofinorganicsynthesisofsugarcompoundswith ...
A course that focuses more on an ecosystem overview over a detailed core subject. It may cover up to 4 topics. Attendees may not become productive in all areas, but get a good feeling for them. This course is perfect for engineering management that will most likely not end up using Rust...
Energy Flow It is by far considered one of the major processes in an ecosystem. It is obtained initially from the Sun and then moves through the food chain. At each stage, the consumer only retains a fraction of the energy it takes in. The remaining energy is dissipated as heat and cann...
美 英 un.物质循环 网络材料周期 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 物质循环 例句