Gathering up the icons... Open-source iconography for designers and developers We're a collective of passionate individuals creating beautiful icon and font libraries for drop-in use in your designs and development. Made with from all over the world! Libraries Material Design Icons MDI Light Memor...
安装: npm install @mdi/font 配置nuxt.config.ts文件 export default defineNuxtConfig({ css: ["@mdi/font/css/materialdesignicons.min.css"], }); 好了,现在就可以正常使用mdi图标了。 <i class="mdi mdi-map-marker mdi-18px text-primary me-2"></i> 效果如图发布...
Use Contrast, Foundation Icons by Iconduck, Design Systems, Font Swap, Unicons Icon Set by Iconduck, Dark Mode Switcher, Color Palettes - Don't just design, colorize your vision. 15000+ free swatches (Beforepost), Data Lab,
下载地址: STEP 2 : 为你的CSS引入字体 @font-face { font-family: 'Material Icons'; font-style: normal; font-weight: 400; src: url(; /* For IE6-8 */ src: local('Material...
Webfont distribution for theMaterial Design Icons. npm install @mdi/font Package built with@mdi/font-build. Related Packages NPM @MDI Organization JavaScript/Typescript:MaterialDesign-JS SVG:MaterialDesign-SVG Font-BuildMaterialDesign-Font-Build ...
Read thedeveloper guideon how to use the material design icons in your project. Using a font Thefontandvariablefontfolders contain pre-generated font files that can be included in a project. This is especially convenient for the web; however, it is generally better to link to the web font ...
Release URL: Issue created automatically by salvador.
$ git clone // 通过 npm 安装 $ npm install material-design-icons // 通过 bower 安装 $ bower install material-design-icons 使用方法 在HTML中使用,将要用的图标名称放在任意标签名内部即可。以下是一个face图标:face,通过style属性的font-size和color可以...
<i class=”material-icons”>face</i> 【方法二】 如果你不想使用Google托管的CSS文件和图标字体,可以下载到本地。 STEP 1: 下载字体文件到本地 下载地址: STEP 2 : 为你的CSS引入字体 @font-face { font-family: 'Material Icons';...
这个库的优点是易于使用和定制,并且支持多种格式,包括PNG、SVG和Webfont。 Flaticon: Flaticon是一个免费图库,包含超过240,000个图标。该图库的优点是可免费使用商业和非商业用途,并支持多种格式和定制选项。 Material Design Icons: Material Design Icons是Material Design规范的一部分,提供了许多常见的图标。这些...