基于Vue.js+Material Design的开源库有不少,但是绝大部分都比较简陋,控件太少,满足不了复杂多变的开发需求。 Vuetify是一款正在极速发展的开源库,刚刚进入了它的1.0beta版本,它的控件非常丰富,和国内流行的ElementUI相当,新的控件还在不停的增加。它的优势在于依靠Material Design的设计优势,让你无需编写一行css代码...
1. 基本功能 (用插槽实现弹出按钮) <template><v-bottom-sheetv-model="show"><templatev-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }"><v-btncolor="orange"darkv-bind="attrs"v-on="on">弹窗按钮</v-btn></template><v-sheetclass="text-center"height="200px">这是一个底部弹窗</v-sheet></v-bottom-she...
Icons Vuetify comes bootstrapped with support for Material Icons, Material Design Icons, Font Awesome 4 and Font Awesome 5. By default, applications will default to use Google'sMaterial Icons. Usage In order to change your font library, add theiconfontoption during instantiation....
@MajesticPotatoe yes, i am using @nuxtjs/vuetify Version: 1.9.0 Here are the material icon CDN links.(yourPath/node_modules/@nuxtjs/vuetify/dist/icons.js) const presetsCDN = { 'mdi': 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@mdi/font@latest/css/materialdesignicons.min.css', 'md': 'https:...
Material Design icons by Google (Material Symbols) androidioswebmaterialmaterial-designspritesicons UpdatedNov 8, 2024 vuetifyjs/vuetify Star39.9k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions 🐉 Vue Component Framework javascriptui-designsemanticvuejstypescriptuivuematerialmaterial-designvue-componentsmaterial-compone...
Vuetify is a Material Design component framework for Vue.js. It aims to provide all the tools necessary to create be...
'$vuetify.icons.clear' 类型 string Components.TextFields. 名称 clearable 默认值 false 类型 boolean 添加输入框清除功能,默认图标是 Material Iconsclear 名称 color 默认值 'primary' 类型 string 将指定的色彩应用与控件 名称 counter 默认值 undefined ...
...Material Design 就是它的思想。统一的思想,利于开发出风格一致的项目外观,同时也利于不岗位之间的沟通。 2.1 Vuetify给出的 vue ui 框架对比图 第一条:组件数量。...Tree Shaking,用于描述移除 JS 文件中的“引而未用”代码,就像秋风撼树一样,将残枝败叶一摇而下。它依赖于 ES2015 模块语法...
Support & Discussion Vue Material Template is an admin dashboard theme built withVuetifyframework and Material design system.jQuery and Bootstrap free!Vue Material Template is a great start to building your next web application using cutting-edge technologies such as Vue, Vuetify and Vue Router. Mo...