Recommended for use as a team library. All icons are organized in 24px frames and converted into components. All 5 themes are included in this file: Filled Outlined Rounded Two-tone Sharp Our icons are free for everyone to use. Please don’t try to sell them. ...
Instant easy access to the entireMaterial Design Iconslibrary: 35,000+ icons in PNG and SVG at your fingertips. Search icons by name or scroll through the entire list. Filter by category, change style, size, and color. Available in all styles: outlined, filled, sharp, rounded, and two-to...
The original. Following Google's Material Design guidelines for system icons, MDI is our largest library, touting over 7200 unique icons!
点击下载: 4. Google Material Design UI Sketch Resource 格式:Sketch 价格:免费 特点:Google Material Design布局模式 该工具包体现了Google Material Design布局特色,包含状态栏,应用栏,底部工具栏,卡片...
Welcome to the New Home of Material Design Icons! The group that brought youMaterial Design Iconsover the years have formed an open-source collective. You can learn all about it on ouraboutpage. Please update your bookmarks. We're glad you're here!
Material design free Icons are beautifully crafted and easy to use in your web, Android, and iOS projects. The icons sets are based on the latest design trend from Google “Material Design”. Based on Google Material Design Guidelines, each icon is visually distinct, all product icons for a...
F131Dmdi-simple-icons F0ADFmdi-sina-weibo F095Bmdi-sine-wave F04AAmdi-sitemap F13A6mdi-size-l F13A5mdi-size-m F13A4mdi-size-s F13A7mdi-size-xl F13A3mdi-size-xs F13A8mdi-size-xxl F13A2mdi-size-xxs F13A9mdi-size-xxxl F0D35mdi-skate F14C2mdi-skateboard F0D36mdi-skew-less F0D...
@material-design-icons/svg Only SVGs Optimizes SVGs using SVGO Material Symbols These newer icons can be browsed in a more user-friendly way at Use the popdown menu near top left to choose between the two sets; Material Symbols is the default. ...
3.Material Design Icons 格式:PNGs, SVG, XAML 价格:免费 使用场景:全平台和全系统 特点:支持单个下载,且可自定义下载格式和下载尺寸 可作网页字体 矢量图标,适应所有屏幕项目 免费更新 该图标资源库非常丰富,种类多样,包含近4000个免费图标资源。这个巨大的免费资源平台是无数的设计师分享自己的设计成果汇聚而成...
$material-design-icons-font-directory-path:'~material-design-icons-iconfont/dist/fonts/';@import'~material-design-icons-iconfont/src/material-design-icons'; Customize your own classes access material variable with Sass mixins: .my-face{@includematerial-icon('face'); } #{cont...