The original. Following Google's Material Design guidelines for system icons, MDI is our largest library, touting over 7200 unique icons!
Use Contrast, Foundation Icons by Iconduck, Design Systems, Font Swap, Unicons Icon Set by Iconduck, Dark Mode Switcher, Color Palettes - Don't just design, colorize your vision. 15000+ free swatches (Beforepost), Data Lab,
原文: Material_design_icons 文件总数: 1478 款 下载:3281人 压缩包 (1478款,) 浏览压缩包 分享 收藏 举报 下载类型 免费 vip 确定 取消 多选 高级选项 大小 格式 分辨率(宽) 上传天数 全部 (1478) 温度摄氏度 58 二维码-扫描 60 十字准星 132 来电 3 地图标记半径 103 花 ...
Design templates Desktop apps & websites Mobile apps Portfolio templates Resume templates Assets Illustrations Icons Shapes & colors Plugins Editing & effects Transform your colors, images, text, and more File organization Get “type A” files and layers Development Speed up your handoff, process, an...
Material Design icons by Google. Latest version: 3.0.1, last published: 8 years ago. Start using material-design-icons in your project by running `npm i material-design-icons`. There are 424 other projects in the npm registry using material-design-icons.
See: Install >npm i --save-dev material-icons-downloader Icon Download Add the download script to your package.json, the paramater is the target folder. {"name":"...","version":"1.0.0","description":"",..."scripts":{"dl-ic...
v7.4.47 Gathering up the icons... Open-source iconography for designers and developers We're a collective of passionate individuals creating beautiful icon and font libraries for drop-in use in your designs and development. Welcome to the New Home of Material Design Icons!
@material-design-icons/svg Only SVGs Optimizes SVGs using SVGO Material Symbols These newer icons can be browsed in a more user-friendly way at Use the popdown menu near top left to choose between the two sets; Material Symbols is the default. ...
You have a few options for getting the icons. Download the Zip Grab the latest stablezip archive(~57MB) of all icons or the bleeding-edge version frommaster. Bower Install the icons using theBowerpackage manager. $ bower install material-design-icons ...
Google 开源了 Material Design 图标,免费下载 Material Design Icons 是 Google Material Design 规范的官方开源图标集,将近 800 个图标。图标分类涵盖:动作、告警、音频视频、通信、内容、设备、编辑器、文件、硬件、图像、地图、导航、通知、社交等等。 图标格式:...