判断主旨应为“a model to categorise boredom in terms of 5 types, while some of the details are...
比如下面这个来自剑雅6的句子: The numeration system of the Tsimshian language in British Columbia contains seven distinct sets of words for numbers according to the class of the item being counted: for counting flat objects and animals, for round objects and time, for people, for long objects ...
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Adj. 1. matching - being two identical twin, twinned, duplicate matched - going well together; possessing harmonizing qualities 2. matching - intentionally matched; "curtains and walls were color coordinated" co-ordinated, coordinat...
1.The Numbers of Matchings and Independent-sets with Respect to the Triangular Lattice L_n一类三角系统的匹配数与点独立集数 2.The number of parameters specified does not match the expected number.指定的参数数目与预期数目不匹配。 3.The configuration information for type {0} does not match its me...
Crazy Matching Crazy Matching woolib.com 3+ 经典的疯狂对对碰亲子游戏就在这里! 在卡牌对对碰模式中找出两张图片是相同的。 在单词对对碰模式中找出一个单词和一个图片是相同的。 挑战自己,看看三分钟内能找出多少吧。 ¥7.00 概述系统要求 购买...
Select Table/Field (second row): Choose a column that relates to the column of the table specified in the first row. Normalize: Select normalization options for the column. NormalizationExamples NumeralsConverts many Unicode symbols that represent numbers to simple numbers. ...
So now looking at this information, I'm going to read number one and think of key words. So I see number one, up-to-date teaching system, I would say up-to-date and teaching, because teaching describes the type of system.看着这些信息,我将阅读第一题然后想出关键词。所以我看到了第一...
The levels of mathematical skill required to work algebraically in this area are more advanced than those required in the field of real numbers. The advantages of digital filters are numerous: 1. They can be fabricated with available high-density, low-cost digital hardware. This should continue ...
You add numbers together to form larger numbers, but you can only add numbers of the same value.The game is easy to learn, but hard to master.Features- Online leaderboards- Friends leaderboards- Personal high score list- AchievementstileUp is based on a web game called 2048 which was ...
vim match-up: even better % :facepunch: navigate and highlight matching words :facepunch: modern matchit and matchparen. Supports both vim and neovim + tree-sitter. - GitHub - andymass/vim-matchup: vim match-up: even better % navigate and highlight matc