Whether a piece of text matches a regular expression. Sample Usage REGEXMATCH("Spreadsheets", "S.r") Syntax REGEXMATCH(text, regular_expression) text - The text to be tested against the r
disable_virtual_text: do not use virtual text to highlight the virtual end of a block, for languages without explicit end markers (e.g., Python). include_match_words: additionally include traditional vim regex matches for symbols. For example, highlights /* */ comments in C++ which are ...
Allow only two special characters in Regex Allow postive and negative decimal numbers only using Javascript allow the user to select the destination folder for file download? allowing a textbox to only enter date alternative to session variable An application error occurred on the server. The curren...
$string = "Long Island-Laketown_20110526_00023" however these do not match unless i add an \A at the beginning (but if i do that then the ones above do not match) Quote $string = "20141119_193702" $string = "20141119-193702" ...
With eval you have only one level of escaping since you're only building a string, not processing regex afterwards. Just be glad that you're not trying to write a bash script. Proper escaping when you want to supply the arguments somewhere can give you a migraine XD 0 Karma Reply ...
open System.Text.RegularExpressions // create an active pattern to match an email address let (|EmailAddress|_|) input = let m = Regex.Match(input,@".+@.+") if (m.Success) then Some input else None // use the active pattern in the match let classifyString aString = match aString ...
asp:FileUpload to upload to a memory string. asp:Hyperlink control - using mailto with html body asp:image control with absolute path asp:label - Including text and an Eval in the text property ASP:Login Remember Me functionality ASP:Panel Enabled/Disabled problem ! asp:textbox TextChanged ev...
{varattributesToReplace = MacroAttributesWithPicker(alias);if(this.RegisterMacroDependencies) item.Dependencies.Add(alias, ItemProviders.ProviderIDCollection.macroItemProviderGuid);foreach(varattrinattributesToReplace) {stringregex =string.Format("(?<attributeAlias>{0})=\"(?<attributeValue>[^\"]*)\...
* * If `$gmt` is a truthy value then both types will use GMT time, otherwise the * output is adjusted with the GMT offset for the site. * * @since 1.0.0 * @since 5.3.0 Now returns an integer if `$type` is 'U'. Previously a string was returned. * * @param string $ty...
QRegularExpressionMatch foundWithSpaces; QString curLine = fileContents[idx]; QString curLineCopy = curLine;boolnextIsImportant =false;intidxBlockComment =0;intfrom =0;for(QChar chr : curLineCopy) {boolterminated =false;if(nextIsImportant) { ...