A general remark to the linked scripts: As we create one dataset for positive samples and another dataset for negatives samples, we process them separaretly with the help of the same scripts. Usually there is only an adjustment regarding the passed input files/paths. Input files/paths and ...
I want to exchange encrypted email with an external user. I received a digitally signed email with a certificate and tried to save it to my contacts. I get a message, "The email address in the certificate is not found in the contact's email list. Do you want to continue to add ...
This can, among others, be attributed to the fact that stakeholders are sometimes recipients of sustainable tourism plans, but not active participants of the planning process [47,48]. Nevertheless, some studies point that sustainable tourism development cannot be achieved without the involvement of ...
I recently changed the computer name, full computer name and computer description on an established computer. While there were no errors in the change and the System shows the correct names, the device in Devices and Printers shows the old name. Would anyone have an ideas on how to get ...
Detailed error description: The password was not allowed An error occurred while assigning a value to a variable. An Integration Services class cannot be found. Make sure that Integration Services is correctly installed on the computer that is running the application. Also, make sure that th...
Detailed error description: The password was not allowed An error occurred while assigning a value to a variable. An Integration Services class cannot be found. Make sure that Integration Services is correctly installed on the computer that is running the application. Also, make sure that the 64...
Detailed error description: The password was not allowed An error occurred while assigning a value to a variable. An Integration Services class cannot be found. Make sure that Integration Services is correctly installed on the computer that is running the application. Also, make sure that the ...
Applying our method to the challenging HELEN dataset, the samples with fewer than 8 mean errors reach 81.1%. Keywords: global match; local refinement; multi-mode features; multi-layer progressive face alignment 1. Introduction Face alignment, also called 'feature point location', is a process in...