一、使用VLOOKUP函数(Using the VLOOKUPFunction) VLOOKUP(垂直查找)是Excel中最常用的匹配函数之一。它可以根据某一列的值在另一列中查找对应的值。VLOOKUP函数的基本语法如下: VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, col_index_num, [range_lookup]) lookup_value:要查找的值。 table_array:包含要查找的数据的表格...
The MATCH function in Excel returns a numeric value, the location of a specific item in the given range. The syntax of the MATCH function is as follows: =MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type]) lookup_value(required) refers to the value to match in thelookup_array. ...
Works faster than the XLOOKUP function. Available in the old Excel versions. Disadvantages Can’t handle errors when no match is found. The lookup_array needs to be sorted for approximate matches. Returns only the first value when multiple values match the lookup_value. Download the Practice Wo...
Remember that you always start functions in Excel with an equals sign (=). Otherwise, the program recognizes the input as plain text. In addition to entry via the formula bar, you can also use the function assistant. Excel will guide you through inputting the parameters. ...
Case-Sensitive The MATCH function is not case-sensitive. #REF! in INDIRECT All the parameters used in the INDEX formula in Excel, such as Row_num, Column_num, and Area_num, should refer to a cell within the array defined; otherwise, the INDEX function on Excel will return #REF! error...
Related Excel Functions The MATCH function is similar to LOOKUP, but MATCH returns thepositionof the item instead of the item itself. VLOOKUP is another lookup function you can use in Excel, but unlike MATCH which requires INDEX for advanced lookups, VLOOKUP formulas only need that one function...
Microsoft Excel匹配功能在单元格范围内搜索特定值,然后返回该值的相对位置。 句法 =MATCH (lookup_value,lookup_array, [match_type]) 参数 查找值(其他要求):您要在look_up数组中匹配的特定值; 此参数可以是数字,文本,逻辑值或对值(数字,文本或逻辑值)的单元格引用 ...
The Excel functionINDEXused with the functionMATCHallows for value searching in an array. Prerequisites: Before proceeding, consult the tutorial on the functionINDEXas well as that of the functionMATCH. To help you understand better, the example used here is a combination of the examples from the...
Arg3可选VariantMatch_type:数字 -1、0 或 1。 Match_type 指明 Microsoft Excel 如何将 lookup_value 与 lookup_array 中的值进行匹配。 返回值 Double 备注 Lookup_value是要在 lookup_array 中匹配的值。 例如,在电话簿中查找号码时,使用人员姓名作为查找值,但电话号码是所需的值。
Excel EFunction高级函数ETRegexMatch,可以说是EFunction之中明星函数。该函数在数据预处理工作场景集中发挥重大作用,该函数可以用于提取文本内特定数据,或者去除文本内特定数据,例如提取文本之中的中文、数字、英文或者其他数据内容。 ETRegexMatch通常和ETCombine函数配合使用,如果是365版本Excel,也可以搭配textjoin函数。