(2012). Matching-fixing in Sport: A mapping of criminal law provision in EU 27. Brussels: KEA European Affairs.European Commission (2012) Match-Fixing in Sport: A Mapping of Criminal Law Provisions in EU- 27. European Commission, Brussels...
LA HAGUE (AP) — As the sporting world gradually emerge from months of coronavirus lockdowns, the European Union's agency for law enforcement cooperation is warning against the “greater risk" of game-fixing by criminals.
Fixing a match or two: cricket, public confession and moral regeneration [Paper in: Anthropology and Sport, Palmer, Catherine (ed.)] 'In a moment of stupidity and weakness I allowed Satan and the world to dictate terms to me. The moment I took my eyes off Jesus my whole world turned ...
Match-fixing in sport: A mapping of criminal law provisions in EU 27. Brussels: European Commission. Available at:KEA. (2012). Match-fixing in sport: A mapping of the criminal law provisions in EU 27. Brussels: KEA European Affairs. http://ec.europa.eu/sport/ library/studies/study-...
Keywords: Asia; Eastern; knowledge; match-fixing; scholarship 1. Introduction ‘Corruption already existed at the time of the “good old” ancient Olympic Games. And it continues to exist in modern competitive sport’ [1] (p. 215). According to Chappelet [2], ‘Match-fixing was identified...