Diego Eduardo Ballestgeros Higareda was undefeated until the last Round with his Subterror Deck, and now only a draw is blemishing his record. His opponent is Erick Villanueva Priego, who we featured yesterday in our WQP Playoff. He was the top earner across all of Central Ame...
V2.aVluaelsuaest partep-rme-amtcaht,chha, lhf-atlifm-tiem, feu,lflu-tlilm-tiem, 2e4, 2h4phospto-mst-amtcahtcahndan4d8 4h8phopsto-mst-amtcahtcfhorfo(Ar )(Ad)rodprop jumjupmhpeighheti(gchmt), ((cBm) d),ro(pBj)umdprocpontjuacmt ptimceo(nst)a, (cCt ) triemacetiv(es)s...
Tmhoeultohc, athl emleotchalod on the cmhienthhoads hthase alohwigehsetrssuucccceessss rraattee,thleasns tthheagnlo8b6a%l .mOetnhotdh.eBeuyteosnanthde mchoeuekths ,atnhde clhoicna,ltmheegthloobdalhas a highemr estuhcocdeshsasraatehitghhaenr sthueccgelsosbraatlem. Tehthe oadbo....
3T–hTe7 lfoar dexiasmcopnlen, ethcteed to tmheodmelesdairuemS-1v1o-4lt0a0g/1e0d, Sis1t1r-i6b3u0t/i1o0n, Sn1e1t-w63o0r/k10b,yS1d1i-s6t3r0ib/1u0tiaonndtSra1n1-s8f0o0r/m10er;estapkecetiTv3e–lyT,7anfodrthexeatmappsle, are fixed to 1.0 p.u. There are thirteen ...