8095 Matching: The procedure matches each treated unit with one or more control units that have a similar value of the propensity score. In a subsequent analysis, the treatment effect can be estimated by comparing outcomes between treated and control subjects in the matched sample. If the ...
The lateral prefrontal cortex of primates (lPFC) plays a central role in complex cognitive behavior, in decision-making as well as in guiding top-down attention. However, how and where in lPFC such behaviorally relevant signals are computed is poorly und
In neurophysiology, NHPs represent a valid experimental model because of the homology of most of their brain regions with those of humans, and their cognitive and social abilities can be studied using complex visuomotor tasks in a laboratory setup11,12,13,14,15,16. However, for this purpose,...
As for the real world, customers can“Load up, Dive in”withPUBG-themed meals at participatingKFCrestaurants online or via its app in select regions to score a good loot straight from the Colonel’s kitchen. Rewards include up to six battle cosmetics in KFC’s signature red and white colors...
As soon as light becomes scarce, the image quality quickly goes down. You lose details in the darker regions of a photo and blurriness overcomes sharpness. It’s also important to note that the extra-wide rear camera takes lower-quality shots compared to the main shooter. The same can be ...
This option balances the number of treated units across strata, so that a reliable estimate of the treatment effect can be obtained for each of the strata. However, a common alternative is to construct strata so that each stratum has the same number of total units. You can request this ...