Matano plane compositioninterdiffusion fluxdiffusion zoneisothermal solid-solid diffusion couplecomposition rangesFrom an integration of the interdiffusion flux of a component over distance in the diffusion zone of an isothermal solid-solid diffusion couple, average effective interdiffusion coefficients can be ...
Dayananda MA. Average effective interdiffusion coefficients and the Matano plane composition. Metall Mater Trans A 1996;27A:2504-9.M.A. Dayananda, Average Effective Interdiffusion Coeffi- cients and the Matano Plane Composition, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 1996, 27A, p 2504-2509...
Matano planeInterdiffusionDrift velocityIntrinsic diffusivitiesThe phenomenological Boltzmann-Matano (B-M) analysis allows approximating the concentration dependent interdiffusion coefficients related to infinite binary diffusion couple experiments. However, the complete understanding of the phenomenological process ...
Based on regional anomaly was estimated depth of density contras boundary plane used power spectrum 1 dimension (1D) method. Modeling of subsurface structure based on regional anomaly data was used Grav2DC software for Windows. The result was: 1) the subsurface structure the Palu-Koro-Lawanopo-...