Motivasi dan Kepuasan Remaja Terhadap Televisi Lokal (Kasus Pemirsa Megaswara TV di Kelurahan Tegal Gundil, Kecamatan Bogor Utara, Kota Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat) Penelitian dilakukan di RW 10 Kelurahan Tegal Gundil, Kecamatan Bogor Utara, Kota Bogor, yang menurut penyelenggara siaran terdapat bany...
"HUBUNGAN TAYANGAN BINCANG BUDAYA DI TVRI JAWA TIMUR DENGAN SIKAP MASYARAKAT SURABAYA DALAM MELESTARIKAN SENI DAN BUDAYA DAERAH" (Studi Korelasi Tayangan Bincang Budaya di TVRI Jatim dengan Sikap Masyarakat Surabaya dalam Melestarikan Se... This study is based on the phenomenon terdesaknya local ...
Studi Hubungan Budaya dengan Aglomerasi Ekonomi (North-South Corridor) Di Jawa Timur There are two things that commonly identify economic activitivities spacially such as concentration and imbalance. East Java has two concentration poles of Java economic activities spacially. One of the concentration...
PEMILIHAN KODE DALAM MASYARAKAT DWIBAHASA: MASYARAKAT JAWA DI DAERAH JATIBENING BEKASI The study of language in relation with social factors is very fascinating. The migration of inhabitants of one city into another causes the interaction between visitors and local population within the community, that...
This paper examines the Bugis house in the Kemojan Village of Karimunjawa as a form of cultural retention of the Bugis people. The efforts of the Bugis community of Kemojan Karimunjawa Village maintain the preservation of the Bugis house as their residence because they try to maintain their cu...
Aplikasi Ekoenzim untuk Peningkatan Pertumbuhan Tanaman pada Sistem Agroforestri Jati di Desa Sugihwaras, Magetan, Jawa Timur The high population number of Indonesia has led to an increase in household organic waste. This organic waste has the potential to be processed into ecoenz... AP Putri Ha...