NCETM, the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics has championed the Singapore and Shanghai approach to mastery maths since the start of the new curriculum. They have further codified it for their maths hubs training hundreds of primary maths teachers to include ‘5 big id...
“Leave progress to me!” Put some of your energy into helping the Head/Maths Co-ordinatior make sure there are systems in place for children to master the basic skills before they get to Y6. It will be hard to begin and take years to feel the difference with but will pay ...
An expert in maths education laments the lack of understanding that surrounds mastery approaches in schools
The term was then taken up by the National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM) in 2014 with the formulation 'teaching for mastery' [10]. Before describing pedagogical differences, it is important to note cultural and systemic factors. It appears that such factors are at least...