Franck's Appointment Masters training course exceeded all my expectations! I was looking for a way to break into high-ticket appointment setting, and this course gave me everything I needed and more. Franck's teaching style is straightforward, clear, and packed with value. He really dives deep...
R (Learning) Software Design: The Art of R Programming O'Reilly / Book R in a Nutshell O'Reilly / Book Viz and Elegant Graphics in R: ggplot2 Springer / Book Machine Learning in R Tutorial Guide to Getting Started in Machine Learning Tutorial Learn R & Become a Data Analyst ...
GAMSAT Organic Chemistry: Comprehensive preparation to learn, revise and practice From a very basic, introductory level, up to GAMSAT level with clear teaching Covers all Organic Chemistry topics ('assumed knowledge') in Section 3 of the GAMSAT: everything from Stereochemistry to Elimination vs. ...
The principal of the Universitat de València received the members of the team and the tutor teaching staff to congratulate them and to find out a little more about this project that uses artificial intelligence to prevent the most prevalent maternal pathologies in pregnancy. The team made up of...
NB: The UW Intro to Data Science does a great job teaching hadoopUW / Coursera Intro to Hadoop and MapReduce Databases SQL TutorialW3Schools / Tutorials Another SQL TutorialSQLZOO Introduction to DatabasesStanford / Online Course Data Mining ...
Python (Learning) Learn Python the Hard Way eBook Python Class / Google Think Python Introduction to Computer Science and Programming MIT OpenCourseWare / Lectures Python (Libraries) Basic Packages Python, virtualenv, NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib and IPython Data Science in iPython Notebooks (...
And there’s yet another trend that will alleviate any talent gap: the democratization of data science. While I agree wholeheartedly with Raden’s statement that “the crème-de-la-crème of data scientists will fill roles in academia, technology vendors, Wall Street, research and government,”...
Python (Learning) Learn Python the Hard Way eBook Python Class / Google Think Python Introduction to Computer Science and Programming MIT OpenCourseWare / Lectures Python (Libraries) Basic Packages Python, virtualenv, NumPy, SciPy, matplotlib and IPython Data Science in iPython Notebooks (...