30+HEC商学院项目录取及包括荷兰 意大利 西班牙等欧洲热门小众商学院录取 应届陆本学员GPA3.5包揽普林斯顿经济学PhD、UCB经济学PhD、西北大学经济学PhD、LSE经济学PhD 20例+LSE Economics 150+例英国G5经管类项目 10例牛津金融经济学(包括非985学员) 应届生录取剑桥商学院金融项目 15例+LBS金融分析项目 2021VH学员获...
牛津大学并未开设标准的Finance金融硕士专业,只开设了相关专业MSc Financial Economics(金融经济),也是本次上榜专业,课程涉及金融、经济、会计等相关知识。 图源:牛津官网 MSc Financial Economics申请要求: 英国本科:一等或强2:1学位; 国内本科:985/211/双一流院校均分85%+;双非院校均分90%+; G类要求:必须提供GR...
7. MSc in Public Policy & Public Management Athens University of Economics and Business (AUEB) - School of Economic Sciences Italy 8. MPA Master of Public Administration SDA Bocconi School of Management United Kingdom 9...
To this end, we pursue a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative text analysis techniques with a qualitative understanding of the context in which central banks communicate on fiscal policy.Diessner, SebastianLisi, GiulioLondon School of Economics and Political Science, LSE LibraryLSE Research ...
LSE - London School of Economics and Political Science Austria 10.MBA Public Auditing (in German) WU Executive Academy - Vienna University of Economics and Business United Kingdom 11.Master of Public Policy University of Oxford, Blavatnik Schoo...
MSc in Media and Communications at London School of Economics and Political Science This program provides a comprehensive understanding of media and communication, focusing on contemporary issues such as digital media, globalisation and the impact of the media on society. LSE is one of the most pres...
I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick." Koopdeta 4y As mentioned before: be a 99th percentile student, study STEM (math/stats + CS), study economics in spare time, try land a good MSc abroad as you mentioned....
http://www.economist.com/node/21564533我本人虽然不通文、理,因为近世两位德语作家的关系对奥地利,奥匈帝国[*]文化在20c的命运、作用一直有兴趣,我对socially influential,seminal的理论也一直仰慕,因此看到这篇书评后,就去amazon买了kindle version,bedtime一目十行了一下,完全忘记前,挖个小坑。我个人印象本书主...
Analysing the Potential of Life Settlements in Emerging Markets: A Systematic Review of Legal and Economic Considerations With time, the law and economics of insurance have advanced from considering it solely as a security measure to recognising it as an asset class. Numerous ... Y Jain,S Roy ...
Andreas:A generalised Mim programme in comparison to a specialised one contains a general management curriculum. The majority of schools, such as HHL, offer some fields of specialisation, ie finance, accounting, marketing, logistics and supply chain management, entrepreneurship, advanced economics and ...