(2014). Sensate focus: clarifying the masters and Johnson model. Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 29 (3), 307–319.Weiner L, Avery-Clark C (2014) Sensate focus: clarifying the masters and Johnson’s model. Sex Relation Ther 29(3):307–319. : 10.1080/14681994.2014.892920...
Masters and Johnson were the first researchers to study what actually happens in the body during sex, and developed the four-stage model of sexual response (excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution). They also developed groundbreaking methods for treating sexual dysfunction, working with the coupl...
Masters and Johnson's four-stage model Masters in Public Health Master's test Master's two-step exercise test Masters William Howell Masters, William Howell master-servant doctrine master-slave hypothesis mastery motive masthelcosis MAST-I
Bancroft J, Graham CA, Janssen E, Sanders SA (2009) The dual control model: current status and future directions. J Sex Res 46:121–142Maier T (2009) Masters of Sex: The Life and Times of William Masters and Virginia Johnson, the Couple Who Taught America How to Love. New York: ...
Gynaecologist William Howell Masters and psychologist Virginia Eshelman Johnson pioneered research into the nature of human sexual response and the diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders and dysfunctions from 1957 until the 1990s. This book examines their influential scientific sex research and its gro...
At his side,Lizzy Caplanas Virginia Johnson is also a fascinating amalgam of traits. She's highly practical, and quite a schemer. In the past she married for stability or children, not for love, and uses Ethan Haas (Nicholas D'Agosto) for sex and possibly information. She keeps him at ...
‘Masters” follows Sheen and Caplan as William Masters and Virginia Johnson, two real-life pioneers of human sexuality in the 1960s Midwest, responsible for a number of self-volunteered research studies as well as a dozen appearances on Johnny Carson‘s talk show couch. Created by Michelle ...
Billy Masters LIVE (S02E14) - 5-13-21 - Steve Kmetko, Ben Patrick Johnson and Mark MacKillop 14 May 2021 12:32 am Billy Masters LIVE (S02E14) - 5-13-21 - A pop culture potpourri. We'll discuss everything from the cancellation of Ellen and the Golden Globes, to Br... YouTu...
Long Term Forecasting of Transformational Leadership and Its Effects Among Naval Officers: Some Preliminary Findings The purpose of this study was to propose, provide measures of, and test a general model of transformational leadership and its relationship to various prec......
They achieved consensus that the procedure needed a clear definition of surgical anatomy and oncologic radicality and description of procedure-related hazards. They also proposed clear depictions of the anatomy using the “open-book” model of the fascial and vascular relations, where “pages” of ...