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US20030001005 * Sep 4, 2002 Jan 2, 2003 Mastercard International Incorporated System and method for using a prepaid cardUS20030001005 Sep 4, 2002 Jan 2, 2003 Mastercard International Incorporated System and method for using a prepaid ... NN Risafi,BD Hunter,K Mckenzie,... - US 被引量: 52...
Byline: NICK GOODWAYMASTERCARD was today found guilty of a massive retail rip-off and ordered to slash the fees it charges retailers, which should lead to lower prices in the shops for everyone.The Office of Fair Trading said that it had found that Mastercard's UK Members Forum, which inc...
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银联,MasterCard 普卡 人民币/美元 100元/年 年刷卡5笔或5千元,免当年年费 工商银行多币种信用卡(普卡) ·多币融合 全球首发·境外消费 无需货币转换·自动购汇 还款便捷 申请信用卡 卡组织 等级 币种 年费 免年费政策 银联,MasterCard 普卡 全币种 100元/年 年刷卡5笔或5千元,免当年年费 工商银行牡丹EMV标...
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工商银行东航联名信用卡(万事达-港币版-金卡) ·持卡购机票可享受立减5%优惠 ·消费积分可兑换东方万里行积分里程 ·可获赠100万元的交通意外身故/残疾保险金 ·可获赠10万元意外医疗保险金 申请信用卡 卡组织等级币种年费免年费政策 银联,MasterCard金卡人民币/港元200元/年年刷卡5笔或5千元,免当年年费 ...
As a new cardholder1, enjoy a first-year annual fee waiver and earn up to 60,000 Asia Miles. Turn your daily spending into travel rewards and the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of with the Standard Chartered Cathay Mastercard. Apply now and start earning miles today: Up to HKD2 = 1...
With the Kroger Rewards World Elite Mastercard®, you'll save on fuel and earn cash back with every eligible net purchase. Learn more about the 1-2-3 Rewards Credit Card.
With the Smith's Rewards World Elite Mastercard®, you'll save on fuel and earn cash back with every eligible net purchase. Learn more about the 1-2-3 Rewards Credit Card.