SenthilKumar 109 Materials Science and Engineering - A First Course by V. Raghavan 110 Materials Science, Metallurgy And Engineering Materials by K.M. Gupta 111 Modern Physics by K S Krane 112 Structured Programing with C++ by Kjell Backman 113 Programming in C using ANSI C by Ashok N Kam...
First and foremost, this book is gothically atmospheric in the best possible way. The Old Cross School for Boys is a horribly delicious setting for all sorts of wickedness and secrets. As soon as we meet our protagonist, Charley Winslow (I love you, Charley!!) he is dumped on the steps...
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牛津通识读本:科学哲学 Philosophy of Science——A Very Short Introduction (英) 萨米尔·奥卡沙 简体EPUB(第1版)简体AZW3(第1版)英文PDF(第1版 扫描版) 2015-12-022015-12-022019-01-22 简介 科学发现的逻辑 The Logic of Scientific Discovery (英) 卡尔·波普尔 简体HTML简体MOBI英文PDF 2014-06-20201...
Based on the latest research in cognitive science and learning theory, HeadFirst Go uses a visually rich format to engage your mind rather than a text heavy approach that puts you to sleep. Why waste your time struggling with new concepts? This multisensory learning experience is designed for ...
And then you are interested in the same studies—the same branch of science—so far as I can understand. TESMAN. We used to be at any rate. MRS. ELVSTED. That is why I beg so earnestly that you—you too—will keep a sharp eye upon him. Oh, you will promise me that, Mr. ...
You may look in Browne Faber's book, if you like, and you will find that to the present day men of science are unable to account for the presence, or to specify the functions of a certain group of nerve-cells in the brain. That group is, as it were, land to let, a mere waste...
The science of Humboldt is one thing, poetry is another thing. The poet today, notwithstanding all the discoveries of science, and the accumulated learning of mankind, enjoys no advantage over Homer. Where is the literature which gives expression to Nature? He would be a poet who could impress...
“Even if I have not eaten the Salmon of Knowledge I have some small science of my own.” “It is very clever to know things as you know them,” Fionn replied wonderingly. “What more do you know of me, dear master?” “I know that I did not tell you the truth,” said the ...
政治科学 Political Science——An Introduction (美) 迈克尔·罗斯金等 简体PDF(第9版 扫描版)简体PDF(第6版 扫描版) 2014-02-132014-02-06 简介 变化社会中的政治秩序 Political Order in Changing Societies (美) 塞缪尔·亨廷顿 简体PDF(精校版)简体PDF(扫描版)英文PDF(扫描版) 2013-10-302018-12-042019...