Master Yi jungle is a strong counter to Nidalee, Zed & Gragas while Master Yi is countered most by Talon, Elise & Rek'Sai. The best Master Yi players have a 57.78% win rate with an average rank of Master on the Master Yi Leaderboard. Below is a detailed breakdown of the Master Yi ...
"Kindred", "Kled", "Kog'Maw", "LeBlanc", "Lee Sin", "Leona", "Lissandra", "Lucian", "Lulu", "Lux", "Malphite", "Malzahar", "Maokai", "Master Yi", "Miss Fortune", "Mordekaiser", "Morgana", "Nami", "Nasus", "Nautilus", "Nidalee", "Nocturne", "Nunu", "Olaf", "Orianna...