providing wisdom and guiding the next generation of great warriors within the Furious Five, as well as Po (Jack Black). Amid all the tough love and jokes, there's one nagging question that may bother certain fans: What kind of animal is Shifu?
Shifu Figueroa also offers two other instructional DVDs for Chen Taijiquan students: The Deeper Secrets of Moving with Strength and Energy, Fa Jin and the Secrets of Explosive Power. Jose Figueroa studied with Master Ren Guang Yi and Grand Master Chen Xiao Wang. Also available from Amazon....
Instructional DVD by Shifu Jiang Jian-ye. Color, 87 Minutes. Capital District Tai Chi and Kung Fu Association of New York, 1997. "Cheng Zheng Lei (the 19th generation of the Chen Family) created this form from the old style of Chen first and second routines. It includes "silk reeling,"...