本作品内容为主生产计划(MasterProductionSchedule,简称MPS), 格式为 docx, 大小1 MB, 页数为7, 请使用软件Word(2010)打开, 作品中主体文字及图片可替换修改,文字修改可直接点击文本框进行编辑,图片更改可选中图片后单击鼠标右键选择更换图片,也可根据自身需求增加和删除作品中的内容, 源文件无水印, 欢迎使用熊猫办公...
文档标签: 主生产计划40MasterProductionSchedule 简称MPS41 系统标签: mps 计划 生产 简称 物料 件组合 主生产计划(MasterProductionSchedule,简称MPS)是确定每一具体的最终产品在每一具体时间段内生产数量的计划。这里的最终产品是指对于企业来说最终完成、要...
主生产计划(Master Production Schedule,简称MPS)例如以汽车生产为例传统的汽车生产是一种的大批量备货生产类型但在今天一个汽车装配厂每天所生产的汽车可以说几乎没有两量是一样的因为顾客对汽车的车身颜色驱动系统方向盘座椅音响空调系统等不同部件可以自由选择最终产品的装配只能根据顾客的需求来决定车的基本型号也是...
One of the most important things to remember when creating your master production schedule is to be realistic about the amount of product. Don’t try to cram too many items into your schedule, or you’ll overschedule yourself and run into problems. Start with your high-priority items When c...
翻译 master production schedule 释义 主生产计划
Master Production Schedule MasterProductionSchedule Overview •••••DefineMasterProductionScheduleExplainMPSDiscussHowMPSWorksExampleFrom“RealLife”Brainstorm:HowCanMPSHelpYourFirm?•PracticeMPSLogic WhatisMPS?•MasterProductionSchedule–Statestherequirementsforindividualenditemsbydateandquantity.-APICS MP...
International Journal of Production Research, (ahead-of-print), 1-11. "Measuring master production schedule under rolling planning horizon." Decision Sciences (Impact Factor: 1.36). The impact of safety stock on schedule instability, cost, and service level Sequence Diagram 1: Setting the Master ...
1、主生产计划(MasterProductionSchedule,简称 MPS)是确定每一具体的最终产品在每一具体时间段内生产数量的计划。这里的最终产品是指对于企业来说最终完成、要出厂的完成品,它要具体到产品的品种、型号。这里的具体时间段,通常是以周为单位,在有些情况下,也可以是日、旬、月。通常主生产计划是根据客户合同(订单)和...
A master production schedule (MPS) is an anticipated build schedule for manufacturing end products or product options. It is an important component of production planning systems such as material requirements planning systems (MRP). It is a statement of production, not a statement of market demand...
Tips for Organizing an Effective Master Production Schedule Be sure to keep a keen sense of demand adjustment. Production forecasts can change on a whim, as well as specific order or supply details. The production schedule can be customized to your individual company’s production needs, so feel...