3.悉尼科技大学UTS 工程硕士 Master of Engineering (Extension) CRICOS Code: 081094G 信息技术硕士 Master of Information Technology CRICOS Code: 084256C 信息技术硕士 Master of Information Technology (Extension) CRICOS Code: 084254E 网络安全硕士 Master of Cybersecurity (Extension) CRICOS Code: 107869B 1...
不过,从2018年开始,申请维州大学的Teaching和Education专业,都先要通过CASPer或TCAT网上情景测试,一定程度提高了准入门槛。 关于CASPer:奔向“三高”职业,澳洲教师第一关:CASPer测试指南! 4、移民难易度 ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ 在Teaching下的三个分类中,Early Childhood和Secondary是可以移民的专业。而且相较于大热的会计...
Master of Teaching (Early Childhood) Master of Teaching (Secondary) MQ 麦考瑞大学 Bachelor of Teaching (Early Childhood Education) Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Education (Secondary) Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Education (Secondary)...
墨尔本大学排名世界#14,蒙纳士大学世界#15,悉尼大学世界#25,昆士兰大学排名世界#30。 墨尔本大学 - Master of Teaching 墨大教育专业毕业生就业率高达96%!作为移民专业之一,Teaching一直以来受到不少同学的青睐。墨大的教育硕士包括4个专业方向:Early Childhood、Early Childhood and Primary、Primary、Secondary。 入学要...
1首先两个专业都属于移民专业专业Master Of Teaching教学硕士要求雅思8778。毕业以后有机会留在澳大利亚 ...
1.Early Childhood呢,工作内容如下:就业缺口也是蛮大的 薪资呢按周统计的话 2.secondary School ...
Master of data science(4年制定量学科荣誉学士学位) 其他 8大中针对于前文中提到的 教育类专业(非teaching)以及法律类(LLM)均有1年master开设 以上是大师兄总结的部分澳洲8大的1年制master的课程。当然除此之外还有不少课程没有一一列举,其他非八大中也有不少1年制的master开设。例如:UTS或者麦考瑞大学等等,更...
(including Bachelor of Teaching in Secondary Education** majoring in Languages Other Than English)6.5 overall with a writing score of 6.0 Master of PharmacyIELTS of 7.5 overall with a 7.0 in each subtest All other courses6.5 overall with a writing score of 6.0 研究类IELTS(...
problems in the field of mechanical engineering, So that students have a scientific way of thinking and innovative design concept of high-level application expertise. After graduation, students can engage in the design, manufacturing, management, research, and teaching work form mechanical related ...
The Master in International Chinese Language Education program is oriented towards cultivating professionals with a strong work ethic and a good understanding of China and Chinese culture who are proficient in teaching skills and techniques for Chinese language and culture and handling intercultural communic...