项目介绍: 伍斯特理工学院 Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)正在推出新的全球健康理学硕士学位Master of science (MS) in Global Health,并于2024 Fall 首次开启。 课程将培养学生能够将技术知识转化为创新解决方案,从而改善人们的健康并增加全球公平获得医疗保健的机会,重点关注医疗保健技术的社会、人类和道德影响。...
The University of Notre Dame'sMaster of Science in Global Health(MSGH) program enables students to bridge classroom training with complex, real health needs of low-resource communities around the world through hands-on experience. Jointly offered by theEck Institute for Global Health,College of Sci...
The Master of Science in Global Health (MSGH) at Northwestern University (NU) is a new competency-based graduate degree program designed to prepare students to enter the global health workforce. The purpose of our research is to determine the market characteristics for this degree, provide ...
Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health 以下硕士项目为例,申请截止日期:2023年12月1日 Master of Science in Health Data Science Master of Science in Biostatistics Master of Science in Global Health and Population Master of Science in Computational Biology and Quantitative Genetics Harvard Kennedy Sc...
🈸 Master of Forensic Mental Health 法医学硕士 🈸 Master of Science in Health Data Science健康数据科学理学硕士 🈸 Master of Health Leadership and Management健康领导与管理硕士 🈸 Master of Infectious Diseases Intelligence传染病情报硕士 🈸 Master of Global Health全球卫生硕士 ...
新加坡国立大学精准健康与医疗硕士(Master of Science in Precision Health and Medicine)首次招生正在进行中。入学时间:2024年1月(该项目每学年招生一次,春季学期入学)申请时间: 2023年5月17日–2023年9...
然后港中文Master of Public Health (MPH)细分如下如下: a) EPIDEMIOLOGY AND BIOSTATISTICS 流行病学与卫生统计学(类似于“Master of Science in Epidemiology and Biostatistics理学学位的流行病学与卫生统计学”专业,两者就业方向完全一致。区别在于MSC in E&B更加偏重于数理统计。) ...
e) POPULATION AND GLOBAL HEALTH 人口与全球卫生(健康)学 2. Master of Science in Epidemiology and Biostatistics 理学学位的流行病学与卫生统计学 3. Master of Science in Health Services Management (Part-Time) 非全日制 该计划目前为研究重点领域提供五种选择:流行病学和生物统计学,环境与职业健康与传染病...
Faculty of Science and Technology 科学和技术学院 学费145,000瑞典克朗/年 Master Programme in Additive Manufacturing 叠层制造 Master's Programme in All-Electric Propulsion Systems 全电力推进系统 Master's Programme in Battery Techn...
In conclusion, the employment prospects for the Master of Science in Public Health program offered ...