Master of Science in Economics(CUHKSZ) 基本信息 学位类型: 硕士 学制: 1.5年 专业简介 香港中文大学(深圳)经济学硕士项目提供经济原理、定量分析能力及与实际应用相结合的全面专业训练,为学生在私人金融机构、政府部门如中央银行、国际贸易公司、证券交易所、咨询机构等经济相关领域的职业发展做好准备。 本课程毕业...
Master of Science (MSc) in Economics 1. Which field of economics do you want to study in the future? 2. What economics courses have you taken and which one is most interesting to you? 3. How has your internship experience helped you in your study of economics? 4. Talk about local eco...
经济学(Master of Science Program in Economics) 金融(Master of Science Program in Finance) 会计学(Master of Science Program in Accounting) 商业分析(Master of Science Program in Business Analytics) 全球运营(Master of Science Program in Global Operations) 申请时间:2023年5月1日—2023年7月8日 新加坡...
e) POPULATION AND GLOBAL HEALTH 人口与全球卫生(健康)学 2. Master of Science in Epidemiology and Biostatistics 理学学位的流行病学与卫生统计学 3. Master of Science in Health Services Management (Part-Time) 非全日制 该计划目前为研究重点领域提供五种选择:流行病学和生物统计学,环境与职业健康与传染病,...
4. 香港城市大学 CITYU应用经济学 Master of Science in Applied Economics【雅思6.5,托福79,CET6490...
Master of Science (MS, MSc) A Master of Science (MS, MSc) is usually awarded in disciplines categorised as the sciences, such as biology, chemistry, engineering, health and statistics. Certain fields such as economics and the social sciences can fall under both arts and sciences, with the ...
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. 梁博士是土生土長之中國籍香港居民,持有香港中文大學之科學學士(一等榮譽)學位 (一九九零年)、加州理工學院之數學科學碩士學位(一九九三年)和數學哲學博士學位(一九 九六年),以及香港科技大學之投資管理科學碩士學位(一九九九年)。
Beijing Jiao Tong University - School of Economics and Management China 8. Master in Management Science and Engineering Tsinghua University Taiwan Region, China 9. MS Program in Information Management Fu Jen Catholic University - College of Management Taiwan Region, China...
45 CUHK的MSF留位费是传说中的8W软币级别么...6万软妹币。。。
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Center for Real Estate China 2.Master of Management Science in Construction Engineering Management Tongji University - School of Economics and Management U.S.A. 3.Master of Real ...