斯坦福大学的计算机科学硕士项目(Master of Science in Computer Science)旨在为学术提供开启计算机领域的专业生涯或进行博士研究所必需的知识和技能。 该专业课程包括基础领域课程和至少一个研究生级别的专业化领域深入学习。可选的专业领域包括人工智能、生物计算、计算机和网络安全、人机交互、信息管理和分析、真实世界计算...
首先自然是项目必修的CSCI 570Analysis of Algorithm了,这门课是由SS和Victor一起上的,两个人也会穿...
Master of Science in Civil Engineering Programs Master of Science in Computer Science Master of Science in Data Science Master of Science in Electrical Engineering Master of Science in Financial Engineering Master of Science in Industrial Engineering Master of Science in Management Science and Engineering...
计算机科学硕士(Master of Computer Science, MCS 或 MS in CS) 计算机科学硕士项目中通常会有AI或机器学习作为研究方向或者专攻领域,学生可以在该专业下选择AI相关课程和研究课题。 数据科学硕士(Master of Data Science, MDS 或 MS in Data Science)
Pearsons - Overall Score of 64 and 60 in all sub bands. 课程2:Master of Computer Science-CS硕士 学制:1.5年/1年 开学时间:2月,7月 入读要求: 1.5年——计算机科学或软件工程学士学位(或同等学历),或非计算机科学或软件工程专业,但是在本科学习经历或者其他高等教育中成功完成以下所有学科内容: ...
Master of Computer Science 计算机科学硕士 Master of Computer Science(advanced entry) 计算机科学硕士(高级入门) 计算机科学(Computer Science,简称CS)是一门包含各种各样与计算和信息处理相关主题的系统学科,从抽象的算法分析、形式化语法,到更具体的主题如编程语言、程序设计、软件和硬件等等。
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering 材料科学与工程硕士 Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering 机械工程硕士 Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering 机器人硕士 Master of Science in Robotics 该领域的硕士课程主要由生物医学工程系、化学与生物分子工程系、电机与电脑工程系、材料科学与...
We are committed to providing a broad exchange platform for young scholars who are interested in joining the field of science, technology and innovation. In the courses or research topics from renowned professors from Tsinghua's De...
The Master of Public Administration is a public policy degree similar to an MBA but focusing on the public sector rather than the private sector. Students can specialise in areas such as the environment, international administration and science and technology with an aim to work for the government...