郝同学,1995年生,2018年毕业于天津外国语大学商务英语专业,GPA: 79.36/2.93, 2019年被西安大略大学Master of Professional Education项目录取。
1、Western University- Master of Professional Education-TESOL 英语教学硕士 适合方向: 不限制本科背景,倾向本科为语言学、传播学相关专业 录取要求: 最后两年成绩达到B/70% 2、Western University- Master of Library and Information Science 图书馆与信息科学 适合方向: 不限制本科背景,录取时倾向计算机、数据相关,...
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Related to Master of Science:Master of Science in Engineering n (Education) a postgraduate degree, usually in science, or the holder of this degree. Abbreviation:MSc Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003...
比如今年,澳国立两个心理学硕士课程master of clinical psychology和master of professional psychology,就宣布仅在每年2月有一次开学。所以大家在申请时,要仔细查明该专业的入学时间! 3. 部分大学的2025年硕士入学网申系统已开启 此外,目前一些网申系...
Accreditation ensures that students receive a quality education from an institution they can trust. When considering enrolling in an online master’s program, make sure that it is accredited by organizations like: Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) Western Association of Sc...
#1. Western Governors University Online Master of Science in Accounting Website Not only does WGU offer the flexibility to complete this degree fast, but the faster you complete it, the cheaper the degree. This is because WGU charges by semester, not by credit. Some of the courses in this...
摘要: WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN IN THIS AREA A high rate of GP retirement is likely in the next few years. GPs with The necessary skills are needed to provide care. Provision of MSc courses designed for GPs is limited.关键词: career development continuing professional development general ...