Master of Management in Retailing (MMR) 所属信息 所属学校麦吉尔大学 所属院校McGill Bensadoun School of Retail Management 所属专业Finance(金融学) 基本信息 项目时长12 -16 months 申请截止日期 秋季 常规2025/3/15 其他 申请信息 托福/GRE Code0935 GMAT Code58H-LH-04 ...
Master of Management in Retailing (MMR) 所属信息 所属学校麦吉尔大学 所属院校McGill Bensadoun School of Retail Management 所属专业Finance(金融学) 基本信息 项目时长12 -16 months 申请截止日期 秋季 常规2025/3/15 其他 申请信息 托福/GRE Code0935 GMAT Code58H-LH-04 ...
• Master of Management & Professional Accounting(MMPA)将于2024年1月31日截止。 2024年2月: • Master of Applied Science (MASc) Materials Science and Engineering • Master of Science Kinesiology • Master of Health Science(MHSc)Health Administration • Master of Science Cell and Systems Biol...
Marketing leadership in society 4 营销策略大师班 MKF5351 Marketing strategy masterclass 5 主要项目 MKF5150 Major project 6 战略品牌管理 MKF5231 Strategic brand management 7 国际营销 MKF5260 International marketing 8 企业对企业营销 MKF5371 Business to business marketing ...
Bocconi Marketing Management是两年制项目,相比一年的项目,学生在找工作的节奏上没有那么intense。项目第一年的课程都是marketing相关的必修课。第二年课程比较灵活,学生可以选择自己的方向: Business Communication and Social Media Distribuition Networks and Retailing in the Digital Era ...
7.Mestrado em Gestão Comercial - Master in Sales Management School of Economics and Management, University of Porto Russia 8.Master in International Trading System St. Petersburg University Italy 9.Master in Marketing Management - Retailing,...
7. Mestrado em Gestão Comercial - Master in Sales Management School of Economics and Management, University of Porto Russia 8. Master in International Trading System St. Petersburg University Italy 9. Master in ...
Based in New Zealand, Auckland University of Technology offers 115 undergraduate programs including: Business Communications studies Health science Hospitality management Engineering Computer and information science Visual arts Browse all undergraduate courses here. To be eligible for admission, domestic stu...
Towards a Semantic Data Quality Management - Using Ontologies to Assess Master Data Quality in Retailing Since its inception Information Systems has relied heavily on older, more established, reference disciplines for much of its theory development and practical application. The relationship between the ...
“With these benefits in mind, it’s no wonder that the logistics field is enjoying a new level of transparency as a result of achieving this single truth of the status and location of goods,” writes Ron Crabtree, CIRM, SCOR-P in theAssociation for Supply Chain Management’sSCM Now maga...