Master of professional accounting简称MPA即职业会计学硕士课程,是奥克兰大学重磅推出三大商科Master课程之一。此课程无商业背景要求和工作经验要求,择优录取(课程周期为18个月) Master of Management (MMgt)管理学,分为Business、Accounting以及International Business三个专业方向(课程周期为15个月) Master of Human Resour...
5. Master of Business Auckland University of Technology - AUT Business School New Zealand 6. Master of Management The University of Auckland - Auckland Business School Australia 7. Master of Business (Management) Queensland University of Technology ...
- Master of Business in Global Management & Marketing 41000NZD/年 1-1.5 年 - Master of Business in Finance 41000NZD/年 1-1.5 年 - Master of Professional Accounting 41000NZD/年 1.5 年 - Master of Management in Agribusiness 43000NZD/年 1.5 年 GD in Tourism Management (2/7 月开课) 背景...
毕业后升读硕士条件:均分B 可衔接AUT大学的Master of Professional Accounting (职业会计硕士);Master of Global Business(国际商务硕士);Master of Applied Finance(应用金融硕士);Master of Marketing(市场营销硕士) 国际酒店管理学士后文凭 Graduate Diploma in International Hospitality Management 课程简介:学制1年,每...
Graduate Diploma in International Hospitality Management 课程简介:学制1年,每年的2/7月开学,在奥克兰就读, 学费 $31000 纽币 入学要求:三年全日制大专,均分75%以上;雅思6.5 (单项不低于6) 毕业后升读硕士条件:均分B 可衔接AUT大学的Master of International Hospitality Management(国际酒店管理硕士);Master of In...
3. Master of Management The University of Sydney - The University of Sydney Business School Australia 4. Master of Business Administration (Admin) Curtin University - Curtin Graduate School of Business New Zealand 5. Master of Business Auckland Univ...
想问一下 Aut和梅西的management master哪个相对好一些 并且好学一些 () 嗖嗖嗖easy 瑶林玉树 7 有了解的吗 感动不了的苏蒙 碧绿草原 10 一样。。几乎没区别。两个学校一个在市中心一个在郊区。这大概是唯一区别了。 qq1223700809 草木萌发 2 听说理工要求毕业实习,另外理工的学费比梅西高 登录...
Kniberg perustelee heimon kokoa myös seuraavasti:When groups get too big, we start seeing more things like restrictive rules, bureaucracy, politics, extra layers of management, and other waste.Eli pitämällä heimon koko suunnilleen Dunbarin luvun rajoissa, on se vielä mahdollista ...
Based in New Zealand, Auckland University of Technology offers 115 undergraduate programs including: Business Communications studies Health science Hospitality management Engineering Computer and information science Visual arts Browse all undergraduate courses here. To be eligible for admission, domestic stu...
Based in New Zealand, Auckland University of Technology offers 115 undergraduate programs including: Business Communications studies Health science Hospitality management Engineering Computer and information science Visual arts Browse all undergraduate courses here. To be eligible for admission, domesti...