Master of Education in Counselling Psychology (MEd) Master of Education in Curriculum and Leadership (MEd) Master of Arts in Curriculum Studies (MA) Master of Education in Curriculum Studies (MEd) 》》Master of Education in Counselling Psychology 咨询心理学(CNPS)提供由加拿大咨询和心理治疗协会认可的...
▪ Graduate Degrees in Counselling Psychology ▪ Graduate Degrees in School/Applied Psychology ▪ Graduate Degrees in Educational Psychology ▪ Master of Arts in Education and Society ▪ Master of Arts in Educational Leadership ▪ Master of Arts in Second Language Education ▪ Master of Art...
附Master of Education in Counselling Psychology 专业 申请要求 : 本科学士学位; 均分:985、211院校是80分,双非是85分; 雅思:6.5(6.0) ; UBC开设的教育类专业多达51个,因文章篇幅有限,只做了个别列举。 麦吉尔大学 University of McGill 【教育专业】加拿大第3,世界第27; 麦大为了培养学生在评估、治疗和监督...
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master's of Arts in Education, Educational Counselling Eight participants had completed the required undergraduate studies and four had completed a master's degree in the field. The thematic analysis revealed ... D Nado...
▪ Master of Education in Counselling Psychology ▪ Master of Education in Curriculum and Pedagogy ▪ Master of Education in Developmental Psychology and Education ▪ Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy ▪ Master of Education in Higher Education ...