> Construction Management is a discipline that incorporates any area of technical endeavour seeking to improve our ability to manage industrial structures, fabrication and procurement processes, and the output of buildings. In line with the mission of the Melbourne School of Design, graduate studies wi...
QS的薪资待遇优厚,刚毕业的QS年薪约60k-75k,5-10年工作经验后年薪可达100k-130k,Director级别的QS年薪超过195k。墨尔本大学的Master of Construction Management课程是建筑行业与移民选择的理想选择。
1. 新南威尔士大学 专业名称:Master of Construction Project Management 学制时间:1年 入学时间:3月 7月 2. 迪肯大学 专业名称:Master of Construction Management(Professional) 学制时间:2年 雅思要求:6.5(6.0)
Master of Architecture Master of Property and Development Master of City Planning Master of Landscape Architecture Master of Construction Project Management Urban Design/City Analytics等几个专业,由于裁员21年开始被砍掉了。 法学院:Faculty of Law
The results highlight a need for further research examining why the industry values certain skill sets over others, and whether the skills and competencies valued when hiring graduates of Master of Construction Project Management programmes varies depending on the scale of the company and the ...
基本背景 学生姓名:Y同学 目前院校:重庆大学 院校专业:建筑装饰 申请条件 GPA:81.75 雅思/托福:7 GMAT/GRE:无 录取详情 申请国家:香港 申请学位:硕士 申请院校:香港大学 申请专业:Master of Science in Construction Project Management 结果(拒绝/录取/waitlist):录取...
Master of Science in Construction Project Management 建筑工程管理硕士学位类型:MSc 专业方向:工程与技术 所属学校:The University of Hong Kong(香港大学) 查看该专业官方网址 >> 免费留学咨询 扫码留学问题随时咨询 在线咨询 4006152656 51offer留学在线咨询...
Master of Construction Management AQF9 级 阿德莱德大学 The University of Adelaide (Adelaide) CRICOS Code:096832K 课程类型:Masters Degree (Coursework) 查看学校详情 2025 总学费96,200 澳币 精准学费 每学年费用48,100 澳币 精准学费 课程时长2.0 学年 (104 周) ...
Master of Construction Management AQF9级 阿德萊德大學 Adelaide University CRICOS Code:115902F 课程类型:Masters Degree (Coursework) 查看学校详情费率转换 2025 总学费96,200 澳币 每学年费用48,100 澳币 课程时长2.0 学年 (104 周) 申请课程 课程校区 SA 校区:Adelaide University, Adelaide City Campus Campus...