Master of Business Analytics (MBAN),1 year+coop Schulich商学院商业分析硕士(MBA)是一个为期一年的全日制课程,旨在为您提供工具和技术,成为这个不断发展的高需求领域的专家。(约克大学的舒立克商学院一直都被誉为是加拿大最好的三个商学院之一,舒立克也是加拿大第一所开设商务分析硕士的大学) 该项目的重点是一个...
从课程设置来看,UBC MBAN有大量数据建模和计算机编程的内容,课程难度和强度都比较大,因而需要申请者有一定的量化背景或经验~ 申请要求从上一届的Class Profile来看,UBC MBAN的班级规模为79人,女生占65%,平均工作经验为5年(学生年龄横跨21~52岁),本科背景超过一半为商科,工程和科学相关专业占三分之一。 申请材料...
the right business administration program, research class profiles, speak to alumni, and visit school campuses if possible. If you'reapplying for an MBA course, there are also GMAT scores to consider—this exam is one of the core MBA admission requirements to the world's top business schools....
Equal parts data analysis and big picture decision-making, the UBC Master of Business Analytics (MBAN) prepares you to fill this void. In twelve months, this prestigious degree will give you more than the technical skills to analyze large sets of data, it will also prepare you for the bus...
The hands-on Capstone Project is one of the highlights of the MIT Master of Business Analytics ©MIT-Sloan-FacebookFind out all you need to know about the MIT Master of Business Analytics program (MBAn), including MIT MBAn class profile, application requirements, and graduate jobs ...
Business or management master’s degrees (MBA, MSc, MIM, MSM, MA, MEM) For these types of programme, master’s degree requirements usually include a certain amount of professional experience, especially in the case of an MBA (Master of Business Administration). An MSc in Management (MSc, MI...
is and how an MBA can benefit your career, it’s time to take the next step and apply. The MBA application process requires organization and perseverance, and you’ll need to do your research to find the business school that best matches your personality, areas of interest, and career ...
深圳03-09 INSEAD MBA 分享会 香港03-11 INSEAD MBA 分享会 上海03-12 INSEAD MBA 小型圆桌分享会 在线03-13 Rutgers Master of Financial Analysis Admissions Event 北京03-15 中欧MBA 体验日 | 重新定义价值 深圳03-15 中欧MBA 体验日 VUCA时代领导者决策力 上海03-15 INSEAD MBA 分享会 深圳03-20 QS ...
University of Pennsylvania is one of the best schools in the United States for getting a master's degree in business administration & management. Located in the city of Philadelphia, UPenn is a private not-for-profit university with a v...
Whether you’re preparing to sit for the national Uniform CPA Exam or are looking to expand your career opportunities, the College of Business’s Master of Accountancy is designed to help you achieve your professional goals. Utilizing theory-driven coursework and supported by job-related practical ...