Master of Physiotherapy (Research) Master of Science (Research) Master of Architecture (Research) Master of Arts (Research) Master of Orthoptics (Research) Master of Analytics (Research) Master of Business (Research) Master of Engineering (Research) Master of Nursing (Research) Master of Laws (Res...
David Bibby Master of Arts Thesis RMIT UniversityBibby, David N
雅思总分6.5 ,单项不低于6.0 RMIT 专业名称: Master of Design Innovation and Technology 专业介绍: RMIT的设计专业以实践为基础进行学术研究,并让设计实践的创新定位于多个学科的交叉点 学生在未来可以从事包括交互设计、服务设计、体验设计、声音设计、生物设计和可持续性、产品设计、展览设计、室内设计、建筑和工程等...
皇家墨尔本理工大学RMIT Master of Arts (Arts Management) Program ♦ 学制:1.5年学制 ♦ 学历背景要求:学生本科学位,对背景没有必需的要求;若学生有大量的工作经验也是可以参考的;申请时需要学生在简历上列清楚自己的教育经历或工作经历,并且在Personal Statement里写明自己申请该课程的动机 ♦ 学费:The annual ...
网络传播学硕士;传媒硕士;传媒学硕士 网络释义
*taught by RMIT Medium of Instruction The medium of instruction isEnglish. Tuition Fee This programme is offered on a self-funded basis. The tuition fee for the whole programme is HK$103,200, which is provisional and subject to adjustment. Tuition fees paid are normallynot refundable or transf...
Master of Interaction Design&Electronic Arts(IDEA) 3.新南威尔士大学 Master of Design: 体验设计、交互设计、可视化和视觉特效 #QS 2023艺术&设计排名 top3 4.皇家墨尔本理工大学 Master of Design Innovation and Technology Master of Animation,Games and Interactivity ...
新增的Master of Cybersecurity提供Cloud Security、Cryptography and Blockchains和Data and Information Security三个方向; Tip:上述两个课程都提供Professional Pathway(正常授课式硕士);以及Research Pathway(衔接PHD)。 昆士兰大学:新增课程 昆士兰大学新增:Master of Food Science and Technology Research Extensive。
Bachelor of Social Work Master of Social Work (Qualifying) WSU 西悉尼大学 Bachelor of Social Worker Master of Social Work (Qualifying) UON 纽卡斯尔大学 Bachelor of Social Worker (Honours) RMIT皇家墨尔本理工大学 Bachelor of Social Work (Honours) ...
1.Master of Management (Human Resource Management) The University of Melbourne - Melbourne Business School Australia 2.Expert master degree in Human Resource Management Monash University - Monash Business School New Zealand 3.Master of...