Master of Arts (Art in Public Space) 艺术硕士(公共空间艺术);2年制 Master of Arts (Arts Management) 文学硕士(艺术管理);2年制 Master of Fine Art美术硕士;2年制 Master of Photography摄影硕士;2年制 Master of Animation, Games and Interactivity动画,游戏和互动硕士;2年制 Master of Communication De...
The Master of Arts in Communication Management is tailored to the needs of professional communicators involved in the broad field of communication management.信息管理硕士是培训各信息管理领域所需的专业传播者 Graduates of this course have:a good understanding of the nature of communication and...
Master of Arts (MA) in Visual Arts 要求六级430分以上的专业 Master of Arts (MA) in Communication - Communication Studies(珠海) Master of Arts (MA) in Communication - Film TV & New Media(珠海) Master of Arts (MA) in Communication - AI & Digital Media(珠海) Master of Arts (MA) in Co...
Master of Arts in Communication 基本信息 学位类型: 硕士 学制: 1年 开学时间: 9月 专业简介 香港浸会大学传播学文学硕士课程以培养传播专才与管理人员为目的,透过系统探讨传播及媒体问题,以期提高学生分析能力,并将传播理论与知识学以致用。 香港浸会大学传播学文学硕士课程理论与实践并重,除理论与方法等必修课外,...
Johns Hopkins UniversityOnline Master of Arts in Communication with Concentrations in Public and Media Relations, Political Communication, Health Communication, Digital Communication, and Corporate and Non-Profit CommunicationProgram Website Syracuse UniversityOnline Master of Science in Communications with Specia...
Master of Arts in Communication and New Media 基本信息 学位类型: 硕士 学制: 1年 开学时间: 9月 专业简介 香港城市大学传播与新媒体硕士学位课程创办于1998年,旨在培养既懂传播理论又懂新媒体的专业人才。在过去十多年间,该课程为大中华地区培养了数百位专业人才。课程强调理论与专业实务结合,百分之六十以上的...
Online Master of Arts in Public Relations Rating: 5 Website Ball State University is the first, and currently only, graduate program in public relations certified by the Public Relations Society of America. Students may choose to specialize in business, communication studies, public affairs, or spo...
-Kimberly Norman, University of Florida, class of 2024, Master of Arts in mass communication, public relations concentration "My biggest piece of advice to prospective students would be to work hard but be gentle with yourself. It's very easy to get caught up on every small detail, but I ...
Master of Arts in Communication — Interactive Media Studies Concentration *语言要求:大学英语四级430分 珠海学院 国学文学硕士 Master of Arts in Chinese Studies *语言要求:四级425 *申请截止日期:第二轮:2022.4.29 建筑学硕士 Master of Architecture ...
◾Master of Arts in Museum Studies博物馆研究硕士 ◾MA Literary and Cultural Studies文学与文化研究硕士 ◾MSc Urban Planning城市规划硕士 ◾MA Transport Policy and Planning交通政策及规划硕士 相对容易申请专业… 港大也有相对冷门容易申请的专业,比如工程学院很多课程对于均分要求并不高,一般985/211院校均...