Master of Fine Arts (MFA) 艺术硕士 Master of Architecture (MArch) 建筑学硕士 Master of Business Administration (MBA) 工商管理学硕士 Master of Education (MEd) 教育学硕士 Master of Laws (LLM) 法学硕士 Master of Music (MMus) 音乐硕士 Master of Science (MSc) 理学硕士 不同的硕士学位虽然看起来...
在英美大学中,最常见的硕士项目是文学硕士(Master of Arts, 简称MA/M.A./A.M)和理学硕士(Master of Science, 简称MSc/M.S./S.M.),后者在美国通常被简称为M.S.或MS,等同于英联邦国家的MSc。学术研究或授课是这两类硕士的核心。 MBA, M.Des,MPA:专业导向强的硕士 除此之外,有一类硕士直接以专业领域...
Master of Arts (MA) 文学硕士 Master of Fine Arts (MFA) 艺术硕士 Master of Architecture (MArch) 建筑学硕士 Master of Business Administration (MBA) 工商管理学硕士 Master of Education (MEd) 教育学硕士 Master of Laws (LLM) 法学硕士 Master of Music (MMus) 音乐硕士 Master of Science (MSc) 理...
Degrees awarded Master of Arts Degree program (EQF 7) accredited by Italian Ministry of University and Scientific Research (MUR) Course objectives Development of a highly specialized professional figure able to interact in a marketplace that is in continuing evolution Increased and in-depth study...
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degrees 艺术硕士 很容易将MFA与MA混淆。相比之下,MFA是一个有利于创造性实践的学位课程,这样的课程更适合初出茅庐的作家、艺术家或设计师。 Master of Letters (MLitt) degrees 文学硕士 这是一种相对小众的硕士学位,只有部分英国大学可以授予。在苏格兰,有些MLitt可以代替MA授予学生...
Master of Artsin Teaching. 将授予你的文科硕士学位. 互联网 TheMaster of Artsin Global Communication Practice is an advanced course for video documentary production. 全球传媒实践硕士,从录像纪录片制作上来讲,属更高级的课程. 互联网 Both my Bachelor of Arts andMaster of Artsdegrees are in English li...
6.Master of Arts in Teaching. 将授予你的文科硕士学位. 7.The Master of Arts in Global Communication Practice is an advanced course for video documentary production. 全球传媒实践硕士,从录像纪录片制作上来讲,属更高级的课程. 8.Both my Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees are in English ...
Master of Arts Master of Science Master of Business Administration Master of Education Master of Arts degrees tend to have roots in the liberal arts, such as literature, while Master of Science degrees are rooted in the sciences. Master of Arts degree programs often culminate in a written ...
Define Master of Arts. Master of Arts synonyms, Master of Arts pronunciation, Master of Arts translation, English dictionary definition of Master of Arts. n a degree, usually postgraduate and in a nonscientific subject, or the holder of this degree. Abbr
Master of Arts in Curriculum Studies (MA) Master of Education in Curriculum Studies (MEd) 》》Master of Education in Counselling Psychology 咨询心理学(CNPS)提供由加拿大咨询和心理治疗协会认可的教育硕士课程。 申请要求: 1、至少四年学习的学士学位,获得学位证书; ...