Master Mod..前言:Master Mode 7是当前hypixel skyblock catacombs系列的最后一层,发布至今已经近6个月,在玩家中的热度也是一直都比较高,毕竟有着丰富的奖励和地牢经验。截至今天,
Full Changelog: Release 1.6.3 Fixes fix crash when not hovering over a slot while trying to use wikilookup by @TacoMonkey11 in #64 Quick fix for fancybar and skyblock check for price info fetcher by @Fix3dll in #...
1、大量对Floor 7的修改。 2、对Master mode 7的添加(准备开放) 3、M6的普通怪物伤害削弱,对比之前的伤害降低。 4、由于F7的通关难度增加,所以相应的 经验和掉落物也会得到提升。 5、In the Higher or Lower secret room(烈焰人解密) Archer的被动双倍箭矢将不会触发 。 6、Floor 1 -3 的经验获取提升20%...
Master Stars are EPIC items which upgrade 5-star Dungeon items with Master Stars, increasing their stats within Master Mode. They are obtained from Catacombs Master Floors III-VII. Master Stars are rare drops from Dungeon Reward Chests in Catacombs Maste
5875 2 00:39 App LEGENDARY SCATHA DROPPED ON HYPIXEL SKYBLOCK IRONMAN MODE 1366 0 00:15 App Heroic Aspect of the Cookie 2657 0 05:28 App 【青原】-skyblock-如何使用法师装备单挑所有slayer? 497 0 00:12 App 出skyblock ban号 数据可查 bank里还有200m bz300m左右 995 0 00:25 App skyblock...
Files master .gitignore changelog.txt config.yml definitions_gui.yml plugin.yml protectables.yml roles.yml
QuickShop is a shop plugin that allows players to easily sell/buy any items from a chest without any commands. In fact, none of the commands that QuickShop provides are ever needed by a player. - QuickShop-Reremake/src/main/resources/config.yml at master
All the Mods 6 To the Sky EP1 New Modded Minecraft Skyblock 27:48 All the Mods 6 To the Sky EP2 Pedestals Are Amazing 27:35 All the Mods 6 To the Sky EP3 Thermal Series Ore Processing 28:39 All the Mods 6 To the Sky EP4 Auto Hammer Automation 25:43 All the Mods 6 To the Sky...