◾Master of Science (Managerial Economics)管理经济学(中文授课) ◾MSc International Political Economy国际政治经济学 ◾Master of Science in Asset and Wealth Management资产与财富管理 (管理经济学 (中文授课) 录取要求) 以上就是NUS和NTU的部分专业录取难度分析,新加坡院校2024Fall申请已经拉开序幕,小伙伴们...
项目名称: Master of Science (International Political Economy) 国际政治经济学硕士 TOEFL/IELTS最低要求: 100+/7+ 申请开始-截至时间: 申请开始:2024.09.01 申请截止:2025.12.31 16:00 项目名称: Master of Science (International Relations) 国际关系硕士 TOEFL/IELTS最低要求: 100+/7+ 申请开始-截至时间: ...
这个专业相对还是比较喜欢人文社科背景的学生,比如说:international affairs, politics, public administration, business, law or journalism/communication等等 课程提供的也非常之多 等等 Theories of International Relations International Political Economy Capstone project 重点来给大家讲一下面试 这是一名学生反馈的相关...
International Political Economy IPM 7745 Master of Science in International Policy Management HOW IPM 7745 WILL BE CONDUCTEDWelcome Note
International Political Economy Climate policy Climate Diplomacy and International Negotiations The Politics of Climate Change From Growth to the Green Transition *Please note that elective course offerings are subject to change. Specialization distinctions do not appear in final transcripts, but can be inc...
MA in International Relations: Global Political Economy 背景要求 课程修习 学位 学士 专业 工作经验 项目信息 时长 12 学费 $2000 目前,所有全日制学生的学费统一为每学期23486美元,每学期可申请10.5至19.5个学分。参加兼读制课程的学生每学分将收取$ 1,566的费用。
Chinese Government Scholarship (silk road scholarship) Type B applicant:Applicant should apply in the International Students Application System of Renmin University of China first. The silk road scholarship application guide will be fur...
EC5342 International Trade EC5343 International Finance EC5352 Public Economics ECA5304 Machine Learning and Economic Forecasting ECA5313 Topics in Econometrics ECA5315 Financial Econometrics ECA5325 Project & Policy Evaluation ECA5331 Open Economy Macroeconomics ECA5333 Financial Markets...
01 新加坡国立大学 人文社科学院 下列专业将在2024年1月15日截止申请: Master of Economics (Applied Economics /Quantitative Economics) Master of Arts (Contemporary Southeast Asia) Master of Arts (Applied and Public History) Master of Arts (Asian and Global History) ...
a prestigious world-class research university. The Master of Arts in International Political Economy ...