约翰霍普金斯大学 MS in Marketing 纽约大学 MS in Integrated Marketing L同学 爱默生学院 营销传播&公共关系 录取学校: 南加州大学 Master of Communication Management 约翰霍普金斯大学-MA in Communication 纽约大学-MA in Public Relations and Corporate Communication Z同学 MSU 广告管理 录取学校: 约翰霍普金斯大学-...
纽约大学 M.S. in Public Relations and Corporate Communication 波士顿大学 M.S. in Public Relations 雪城大学 M.S. in New Media Management 刘WL 计算机与软件学院 软件工程 录取学校: 纽约大学 MS Computer Science 胡YX 管理学院 市场营销 录取学校: 纽约大学 M.S. in Integrated Marketing 斯蒂文斯理工学...
An online master’s in public relations can deepen your communication, marketing and research skills. The degree can prepare you to craft a narrative, communicate and collaborate with internal and external stakeholders. You may learn how to write for the public, write speeches, use marketing commun...
Marketing and Public Relations, M.A.)是一门非常受欢迎的研究生课程。以下将详细介绍该专业的录取要求。
Master's in Public Relations & Corporate Communications Master's in Real Estate Master's in Sports Industry Management Master's in Technology Management Master's in Urban & Regional Planning 知名项目介绍 Master's in Integrated Marketing Communications乔治城大学整合营销传播硕士项目的学习会让学生沉浸在策...
In college, PR skills are taught in marketing and communications programs. However, many PR pros have a background in journalism, English, or other liberal arts disciplines. No matter what your educational experience is, there are essentialLinkedIn skillsfor public relations pros to master to be ...
of Australia's most renowned comprehensive universities, and its Master of Public Relations and ...
21.Master's programme in Marketing: Digital Technology and Marketing Communications HSE Graduate School of Business Canada 22.MBA Global Retail Management York University - Schulich School of Business France 23.MSc in Global & Sustainable Busine...
悉尼大学的Master of Strategic Public Relations的学生毕业后可能从事:公共关系顾问、媒体与传播官、公共...